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solar thermal lobbyist

“Large-scale plants are a new league that solar companies alone cannot handle”

Roger Hackstock is celebrating his 20th anniversary as a solar thermal lobbyist this year. From 2002 to 2013 and again since 2016, he has headed the Austrian association Austria Solar. He is still bursting with positive energy when he talks about the challenges facing the future of his industry. He …
Turnkey SHIP Supplier World Map

Successes and challenges on the SHIP world market 2023

Success and frustration went hand-in-hand on the global solar industrial heat market 2023. Some companies were extremely successful in implementing many small SHIP (Solar Heat for Industrial Processes) projects or a few large ones and met their targets. In general, technology providers around the world are experiencing high demand but …
viewpoints on solar energy buildings

Stakeholder viewpoints on solar energy buildings

How important do you find aspects such as performance, financing and the environment in relation to solar energy buildings? This question interested the participants of the IEA Task 66 on Solar Energy Buildings. They jointly conducted a survey, which was completed by no less than 310 stakeholders, including academics (41 …
Indian solar thermal market

Signs of growth in Indian solar thermal market

The Indian solar thermal market recovered to a growth path in 2023 that can be largely attributed to overcoming the COVID pandemic. A survey carried out by the Indian Malaviya Solar Energy Consultancy revealed a respectable growth of 24 % in vacuum tube collector sales and 79 % increase in …
The Netherlands and Spain drive SHIP market 2023

The Netherlands and Spain drive SHIP market 2023

The world market for solar process heat (SHIP) continues to pick up speed. In 2023, the newly installed capacity tripled compared to the two previous years. The project developers reported 116 systems with a capacity of 94 MW. A year earlier there were also 116 systems but with only 31 …
Life Cycle Assessment

Facilitating the private sector on the way to climate neutrality

The IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme wants to help industries and associations identify their environmental footprint. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a suitable method to compile the environmental impacts of a product throughout its life cycle. The newly started IEA SHC Task 71 on Life Cycle and Cost Assessment …
Sand Batteries provide district heating

Sand Batteries provide heat to district heating networks in Finland

Polar Night Energy is the only manufacturer with a solid-particle storage system among the companies of the survey with a commercial project. The company from Finland promotes its storage system under the brand name Sand Battery, as the vessel is filled with sand. The first commercial Sand Battery with 8 …
Heat storage market is getting hotter

Heat storage market is getting hotter

Among the high-temperature storage solution providers that have reached an advanced stage in terms of commercialization are also Brenmiller from Israel and Rondo Energy from the USA. Brenmiller, with its bGen product, has already commissioned four projects at its clients’ sites in the USA, Israel, Brazil and Italy since 2022 …


How much does solar heat cost?
ESCO – a new business model
PV-Thermal: all-rounder for buildings
Research & Innovation