We have our QuickBOLT in an aquarium demonstrating its leak-proof abilities, we have our color-coded system boasting all of the roofing styles we supply mounting hardware for, and we have our full line of roof mounts out on rotating displays.
Why SPI 2016 - Interview with Samantha Dalton, Marketing Director at SolarRoofHook
Samantha Dalton | SolarRoofHook
What are the primary features of SPI that you focus on (i.e. Show floor, training, seminars etc.)?
Our main focus at SPI is the Show Floor. We really want to take that time to talk to the people that stop by our booth and show off our products in person. It is a great opportunity to answer any questions a current or potential customer may have and to quell any reservations someone may have about a product.
What makes SPI an important show for your company?
We are increasing our presence on the road and growing our sales team, but SPI is one of the only opportunities we have to gather with a bunch of other people in the industry. SPI is great because it’s a room full of people interested in our products. We have pictures online, but nothing is going to convince you that a product works more than seeing it in person. We can say that the QuickBOLT is leak-proof all day long, but when you visit our booth and see that we are using the QuickBOLT to keep our aquarium from leaking it has a much stronger impact.
What is the main goal of your SPI booth and presence at the show?
The main goal of our SPI booth is really just to show off our products. We have our QuickBOLT in an aquarium demonstrating its leak-proof abilities, we have our color-coded system boasting all of the roofing styles we supply mounting hardware for, and we have our full line of roof mounts out on rotating displays. We really just want to get our products into the visitors’ hands so they can see how great they are.
Who are you trying to attract at SPI and how do you go about it?
We are trying to attract anyone who mounts solar onto residential roofs. The main way we go about that is by showing them what problems switching to SolarRoofHook can solve for them. For example, our QuickBOLT cuts installation time in half compared to our competitors’ products. If an installer can cut down on installation time, they can get more jobs done and make more money. We also have the only Stone Coated Steel mounting line in the industry. When we show installers that they no longer have to turn down jobs on that roofing style, they get really excited.
Do you attend other tradeshows and if so where does SPI rank in order of importance for you?
Yes, we attend Intersolar and NABCEP along with SPI. Intersolar and SPI are pretty much the same level of importance. They are the two shows that are really about showing off our products. NABCEP is a whole different beast because we focus more on educating others in the industry and learning new things. All of them are very important to us though.
What will you be showcasing in your SPI booth this year? Give me a couple reasons why a show attendee must make your booth a must visit at this year’s show.
This year our main focus at our booth is our QuickBOLT for Asphalt Shingle Roofs. We have an aquarium set up with two live fish, Marco and Polo, and an Asphalt Shingle Roof. Through the middle of the aquarium we installed one of our QuickBOLTs. We have had this aquarium set up in our office for months and it has not shown a single sign of leakage. We’ve talked to a lot of people who are hesitant to trust in the QuickBOLT, as it does not use the traditional, bulky aluminum flashing, and this aquarium really alleviates all of those doubts because they get to see the QuickBOLT - in front of their eyes – not leaking. This alone makes our booth a must visit. I mean, who else is going to have live fish at their booth? We will also be showcasing the first hooks in our new line of Heavy Duty mounting solutions, the Flat Tile [HD+]. Visitors at our booth will be able to see and feel how much stronger this line is from the standard. Along with these amazing products, our booth also has a lot of great giveaways; the best of which are the SolarRoofHook popsockets. They’re a great phone accessory and everyone at Intersolar couldn’t get enough of them. However, the main reason to visit our booth is to meet our awesome Sales team. They can answer any questions you have about our products or help you figure out a custom solution for a problem you’ve faced during installs.
About SolarRoofHook
SolarRoofHook is a division of Quickscrews International Corporation. SolarRoofHook has a wide range of innovative solar mounts for residential roofs. We can produce custom products from start to finish in 60 days and are continually working with installers to deliver the exact products needed for any type of roof. Founded in 1987 as a local wholesaler of products for the cabinet and furniture trades, Quickscrews International Corporation has evolved into the supplier of the most popular brand of fasteners in the industry.
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