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Denver, Colorado
October 5-15, 2017

Architecture Contest (100 points)

Architecture Contest Scores

For the Architecture Contest of the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2017, teams were required to design and build attractive, high-performance houses that integrated solar and energy efficiency technologies seamlessly into the design.

A jury of architects evaluated each team's architectural design based on many criteria, which are condensed in the following list.

  • Architectural concept and design approach
    • How well did the team utilize an overall clear concept, idea or ideas to guide the development of the whole design process?
    • How well does the design solution and competition prototype house demonstrate overall coherence among disciplines and systems of the home?
    • How appropriate is the home to its target site? Does it address unique issues and challenges in its design and execution?
    • How effectively will the overall architectural design offer a sense of inspiration and delight to Solar Decathlon visitors?

  • Architectural implementation and innovation
    • How effective was the team in its use of architectural elements including, but not limited to: scale and proportion, indoor/outdoor connections, composition, and linking of various house elements?
    • How effectively did the team create a holistic and integrated design, inclusive of space, structure, and building envelope?
    • How well does the team integrate both natural and electric lighting into the competition prototype?
    • How well does the competition prototype demonstrate quality design through material selection, well-conceived details, and architectural implementation?
    • How well did the team integrate energy-efficiency concerns, energy production technology, and performance considerations into the architectural design?
    • To what degree did the team integrate transportation and pre-fabrication strategies and detailing into the competition prototype?

  • Documentation
    • How effectively did the reviewed deliverables enable the jury to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the design prior to its arrival at the competition site?
    • How effectively does the team use digital technology, such as photography or graphics, to represent their competition prototype remotely?
    • How accurate, complete, and clear are the competition drawings and specifications?

For complete information, see the Solar Decathlon 2017 rules. Solar Decathlon teams should always refer to the rules.

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