Windreich AG: Offshore Wind Farm 'Global Tech I' Granted 'Wind Deal of the Year' Award

This 400 megawatt (MW) wind park, currently under construction in the German North Sea, is the only offshore project to have ever received a debt financing of over one billion Euros.

WOLFSCHLUGEN, Germany & LONDON--Willi Balz, CEO of Windreich AG, received the 'Wind Deal of the Year' award for his offshore project 'Global Tech I' in London. The award ceremony held by the internationally renowned magazine Project Finance International took place on January 25th this year and was attended by around 600 representatives of the international financial community.

'We are really pleased with this accolade' said Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Balz about the distinction of 'Global Tech I'. This 400 megawatt (MW) wind park, currently under construction in the German North Sea, is the only offshore project to have ever received a debt financing of over one billion Euros. Already this year power will be fed into the public grid, and by 2013 all 80 wind energy converters with a capacity of 5 MW each will be installed and connected to the grid.

Windreich's North Sea wind park 'Global Tech I is the world's best offshore wind park - at it has Southern German genes', explained Balz. The entire equity of 800 Million Euros could be procured within a 200 km radius of the Windreich head quarters in Wolfschlugen near Stuttgart. Moreover, all essential components and services for 'Global Tech I' originate from Germany. Areva Wind GmbH, for instance, produces its offshore wind turbine M5000 in Bremerhaven. Out of the 252 units ordered of this model, 202 will be used for Windreich AG projects.

Shareholders of 'Global Tech I' are the HSE (HEAG Südhessische Energie AG), the Axpo Group, the Family-Office of the Meltl Family, the investment trust 'Green Utility', the Stadtwerke München GmbH (Munich Municipal Utilities), as well as notable medium-sized Southern German entrepreneurs. The debt financing is facilitated by a bank consortium including amongst others the Nord LB, the Dexia Group and the Société Générale. The European Investment Bank (EIB) as well as KfW ('Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau') support the project to a high extent.

A number of renowned companies are also involved in the realisation of the wind park alongside the AREVA Group: Construction company Hochtief was in charge of installation, the transformer platform was supplied by Alstom Grid GmbH, while the insurance concept was designed by the Marsh Group, a leading international industrial insurance broker. Responsibility of site assessment and wind farm layout was assigned to the European Weather Consult GmbH, auditing company BW Partner takes care of issues of economic efficiency and tax optimisation. Grants and credit guarantees by the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany were secured by Windreich AG. Technical Director of 'Global Tech I' is Windreich manager Tim Kittelhake.

For further Information concerning Windreich AG please visit

History of the first 400 MW Offshore Wind Farm 'Global Tech I' from the Windreich AG

Submission of the first building permit and site acquisition.

Meeting with the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency to discuss the scope of the building permit.

Meeting with the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency to discuss the scope of the building permit.

Approval was granted for the tripod-foundations.

Introduction of the Acceleration Law for Infrastructure Planning: The grid operator must carry the costs for grid connection

May 2008
Windreich-Chef Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Willi Balz appoints the Firm Boehm Bezing, Sieger & Cie, Stuttgart as Financial Advisor.

July 2008
The Windreich AG takes over 50% of the GT I GmbH shares as well as the full responsibility for GT I.

August 2008
Willi Balz begins negotiations with the Südhessischen Energie AG (HSE Darmstadt).

September 2008
Windreich assigns Ralf Skoronek (CEO of the Marsh GmbH) to develop an insurance model. Negotiations begin with the Stadtwerken München (SWM)

October 2008
Negotiations begin with the Family Meltl (Ex Bavaria Yachtbau).

November 2008
Negotiations begin with Laufenberg Electricity Company. Willi Balz decides to use wind energy converters with a capacity of 5 MW from AREVA

December 2008
Shares of HSE, Meltl, and SWM make-up 240 MW of the GT I GmbH.

March 2009
Signature of MoU between Willi Balz and Anne Lauvergeon from AREVA

Summer 2009
Negotiations with Brussels were initiated by Windreich's Deputy Chairman of the Board, Dr. Walter Döring, regarding possible funding.

Autumn 2009
Negotiations with the KfW, EIB, and PWC are intensified through Dr. Walter Döring.

December 2009
EU-loan given due to a corporate guarantee given by the Windreich AG.

March 2010
Contract with AREVA Energy Technologies and Keppel Verolme signed. Keppel will deliver the substations.

Spring/Summer 2010
Meetings with the Environmental and Economic Ministries in Berlin regarding financial aid and guarantees.

May 2010
Essential grid connection confirmation form the now- Tennet TSO GmbH.

September 2010
Signing of the installation contracts with Hochhtief.

January 2011
Signing of the wind turbine distribution contracts with AREVA.

June 2011
Signing of the contracts between the NSW GmbH and Global Marine Systems Ltd for the cable connections within the wind park.

October 2011
The Windreich AG achieved the Financial Close which is a further milestone for the GT I.

January 18, 2012
All financing banks celebrated the Financial Close with a so-called ,Closing Dinner'.

January 25, 2012
PFI selects Global Tech I als 'Wind Deal of the Year'.

Photos will be distributed by mecom-bildkanal and available at

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