McCune Solar Works Assuming Operations of the Schott Solar Facility in Albuquerque, NM

McCune Solar Works LLC., a McCune Works Inc. company, is in final stages of negotiations to assume operations of the Schott Solar facility in Albuquerque, NM.

Albuquerque, NM – September 19, 2012 – McCune Solar Works LLC., a McCune Works Inc. company, is in final stages of negotiations to assume operations of the Schott Solar facility in Albuquerque, NM. The company intends to resume production in early 2013 under the new logo; "Hott Solar PV". Full production is forecasted for the 4th Quarter 2013 and at full production; approximately 130 employees with an annual payroll of over $6.5 million.

Throughout the ongoing due diligence and negotiations, Schott Solar management and staff, both at the corporate offices in Germany and locally have placed the people and governments of the City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County and the State of New Mexico in the forefront of their concern. They have cooperated in all negotiations and considerations so as to make this transition as smooth and beneficial as possible. McCune Solar Works LLC. pledges to continue the product excellence and the high conduct demonstrated by Schott while operating in our community.

The parent company, McCune Works Inc. is a minority and woman owned small business formed in 2005 that specializes in the design, research and development of innovative green products, building methods, materials and building components. The company currently owns intellectual property including patents, copyrights and trade secrets and is currently engaged in the design of an affordable electric vehicle.

For a limited time, we are offering our Power New Mexico Program that has price incentives for the installation of these high quality solar systems to the public; particularly commercial, utility and government entities. The very favorable terms being offered including the potential to significantly reduce electricity customer monthly bills with faster ownership, at which point, essentially free, customer owned electricity.

Chuck McCune CEO. "We are keenly aware of the climate change issues we are all experiencing now across the entire country and intend to aggressively attempt to contribute to a solution through our operation of the McCune Solar Works Facility. We look forward to providing affordable and non polluting renewable energy throughout New Mexico. Furthermore, we intend to provide 100 Mega Watts of installations in 2013 through our Power New Mexico Program. Solar is now affordable and not something in the future. It is now."

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SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker

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