Data Translation Announces New Series of USB Dynamic Signal Acquisition Modules for Sound and Vibration Applications…Features Ultra-low Distortion and Wide Dynamic Range

Ideal for precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers

Marlboro, MA ─ November 7, 2012 ─ Data Translation, Inc. today announced the release of the DT9847 Series high-accuracy, dynamic signal acquisition modules for USB. These modules are ideal for precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have a large dynamic range. Common applications include audio, acoustic, and vibration testing.

"A key attribute of the DT9847 is the ultra-low total harmonic distortion (THD) of 102dB," according to Fred Molinari, President and CEO. "Testing low level signals over various frequency ranges, commonly encountered in testing smartphone and tablet speakers, calls for precise measurement accuracy. Low THD is a prime concern. Additionally, the 123dB dynamic range allows low to high level precise signal measurement without any gain ranging."

Combine the DT9847 with the ready-to-measure VIBpoint Framework to create a powerful FFT Analyzer instrument. Additionally, all Data Translation devices include comprehensive driver and software support, and interface tools for LabVIEW™ and MATLAB® programmers.

Key Design Features of the DT9847 Series:

•Flexible channel configurations with portable, USB-powered models available

•Simultaneous analog input and analog output operations (continuous or waveform mode)

•24-bit A/D converter per channel (up to 3 analog inputs depending on model)

•Up to 216 kSamples/s/ch

•Input range of ±10 V with software selectable gains of 1 and 10 for an effective input range of ±10 V and ±1 V

•Support for IEPE (Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric) inputs, including use of a 4 mA current source with 18 V compliance voltage for AC or DC coupling

•32-bit D/A per channel with sampling rate up to 216 kSamples/s/ch (1 or 2 depending on model) and output range of ±3 V

•Digital I/O: 4 input lines and 4 output lines

•Supports a start trigger for acquiring pre-trigger samples and a reference trigger for acquiring post-trigger samples

•Sync Bus (RJ45) connector for synchronizing acquisition on up to four DT9847 Series modules

•Included drivers and software

•Supported by VIBpoint Framework (available as 14-day trial version)

Pricing and Availability
The DT9847 Series is priced starting at $1595 USD*and will be available in November.

Additional Resources
Readers can learn more about the DT9847 Series by visiting:

About Data Translation
Data Translation Inc. ( is a leading designer and manufacturer of high performance USB and Ethernet (LXI) data acquisition (DAQ) modules for temperature, voltage, strain, and vibration measurement and analysis, with accompanying software solutions for the test and measurement market. In-house manufacturing in the company headquarters located in Marlboro, MA ensures complete quality control on all products. Additionally, 5-day standard delivery is guaranteed on most shipments, along with free comprehensive technical support.

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