Meteodyn, expert in Wind energy, opens new office in India

Sales, technical support, software training especially for Indian wind energy market. Meteodyn India office has opened since the 1st of February and is located in Pune, near Mumbai.

With the large number of wind farm projects currently in development throughout India, we thought the opening of a trade office in India was a good strategy. Meteodyn already have Indian customers and we know we can meet many others prospects needs.

For 10 years, Meteodyn has been the leading expert in wind engineering, CFD software and climatology. Meteodyn develops wind modeling software and provides a large range of consulting services: wind resource assessment, wind production forecast, wind atlas generation, power production assessment, site suitability analysis, windfarm layout design, projects ‘feasibility reports…
The wind park computation software meteodyn WT and meteodyn Forecast are already used by the major wind industries in the world.
To learn more about Meteodyn, visit them online at:

Featured Product

Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

Aesthetic appearance for residential systems: With black backsheet & black frame, Power range 380 ~ 405 W, Low power loss in cell connection. Enhanced reliability: · Low temperature coefficient (Pmax): -0.34 % / °C, LID LeTID less than 2.0%, Lower hot spot temperature, Better shading tolerance.