Advanced Austrian Technologies at the SEE Eco Forum & Exhibition 2013
The strong international presence of well-known companies clearly demonstrates the interest in the Region.
The implementation of innovative eco technologies is of key importance for the countries of the South-East European Region. They have already stepped on the road of the sustainable growth but a lot of investments should be made in energy and waste management sectors for their further development.
The forthcoming edition of the South-East European Eco Forum & Exhibition will gather experts and managers from whole Europe and will give them an ideal opportunity to explore the regional market and find new business partners. The Organizer Via Expo has broadened the scope of the event and the 2013 edition, which will be held from 29th until 31st May in Sofia, Bulgaria, will span across: energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste management, smart buildings and elevators. The strong international presence of well-known companies clearly demonstrates the interest in the Region. 47% of the total number of the participants are foreign companies from 17 countries.
The Austrian environmental know-how will be in focus due to the remarkable achievements of the country. At present, the national eco-industry generates annual revenues of EUR 10.6 billion and employs a workforce of about 87,000 people.
Currently the share of renewable energy in Austria's total electricity consumption is 68%, by 2020 it will increase to 85% and this makes Austria the frontrunner in Europe.
The report ‘Screening of Waste Management performance of EU Member States' graded the 27 Member countries according to 18 criteria. Austria is in top 3 in the EU Waste Management Medal Table.
For the 4th year in a row advanced Austrian technologies will be presented at an Austrian Pavilion and below we introduce the business activity of the Austrian participants.
Ziehl-Abegg has over 100 years of experience in the manufacture of fans, ventilation technologies and inverters. They provide great versatility in ventilation, cooling and air conditioning applications.
The new fan system ZAplus has been recognized with the Good Design Award (a Japanese comprehensive design evaluation and commendation system, operated by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion). The awarded fan system is used in refrigeration and air conditioning applications. It is setting a new standard in the area of efficiency offering up to 24% higher efficiency.
A debut on the Bulgarian market will make Global Hydro Energy, which plans to expand its activity in South-East Europe. It offers small hydropower plants with a capacity of 15 MW. The company manufactures different types of products: Francis-, Kaplan- and Pelton- turbines.
Since it was founded in 1983, EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen has specialized in the development and production of plastics recycling systems and technologies for the plastics processing industry. Its product portfolio includes: plastics recycling systems for standard applications, production waste and for heavily printed/contaminated post-consumer waste; FDA approved PET recycling systems, EFSA approval requested via customers (e.g. for bottle-to-bottle recycling); inline PET applications (e.g. for fibres, films and strapping); pelletizing systems, etc.
Polytechnik is one of the Europe's leading manufacturers of boilers and firing systems for biogenic fuels and has over 45 years of experience and is renowned for its high quality, turnkey firing plants. The tailor made firing systems utilize warm/hot water, steam, or thermal oil as heat carriers, depending on type and water content of the fuel, ranging in thermal performance from 300 kW to 30,000 kW. Polytechnik firing systems generate process heat and steam, heating and electricity. The export rate is around 95 %, with more than 2,600 Polytechnik firing systems in operation worldwide.
Biogest is an international biogas plant manufacturer with two sites in Austria and one each in Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia.
The core capabilities of Biogest range from project development, planning and financing through to the turnkey plan construction and technical and biological services. In addition to plant engineering activities, the Own Plant Operations business builds and operates facilities which are owned or part-owned by Biogest. The geographical focus is on Central, South-East and East Europe as well as the CIS, where over 80 biogas plan projects have been realized.
Nahtec has a long experience with the installation of district heating systems and especially biomass and biogas plants which are exclusively fueled by renewable energy sources such as wood, straw, renewable raw materials, liquid manure, solar, etc.
IFE is known worldwide as a leading manufacturer of machines and components for the bulk materials handling industry. Vibroconveyors, screening machines and magnetic separators from IFE have been in operation as robust, reliable machines for more than 60 years.
Vecoplan, another exhibitor at the Austrian Pavilion, was awarded a multi-million dollar contract for providing an innovative solution for the bio-fuel market where corn stover is converted to ethanol. The contract covers the delivery of the equipment and engineering of the system in which the corn stover is meticulously prepared as a feedstock for the bio-fuel production process without destroying its fibrous structure. The company pursues the continuous development of timber and recycling technology. Biomass is one of the most attractive resources for generating sustainable energy and Vecoplan supports this market with highly innovative technology components and systems for the material discharge, shredding, transport, separation, contaminant segregation, dosing and storage.
Europlast will showcase a wide range of sorting bins: wheel containers, boxes for agricultural use, boxes for industrial use, etc.
Building integrated photovoltaics, smart buildings, waste-to-energy, composting, waste minimization strategies, resource efficiency & recycling, agricultural, landfill & wastewater biogas, etc. are the highlights in the program of the parallel Forum.
A presentation on the e-waste treatment will be delivered by Renato Sarc, Institute for Sustainable Waste Management and Technology, Austria. Martin Car from the Austrian Construction Materials Recycling Association will speak about the Recycling-oriented deconstruction.
How to start a landfill gas plant? The reply will be given by Mr. Somitsch who will acquaint the delegates with the experience of the Austrian municipalities in this sector. The attendees will also debate the opportunities of implementation in Bulgaria of the Austrian best practices in biowaste management.
A parallel event will be an Austrian Showcase "Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy", organized by the Austrian Embassy, Commercial Section.
Featured Product

SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker
SFOne is the 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines the mechanical simplicity with the extraordinary expertise of Soltec for more than 18 years. Specially designed for larger 72 an 78 cell modules, this tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a lower cost-operational power supply. The SFOne has a 5% less piles than standard competitor, what reduces a 75% the labor time.