The Breeze of Success for Triodos Renewables Wind Farm Open Day

Fully booked event saw around 400 people visit the site in the sunshine ---- Turbine tours, wind farm crazy golf and the Explorer Dome proved to be a top hit ---- The open day heralded the start of Triodos Renewables 20th anniversary celebrations

The sun was shining and the wind aptly blowing strong this Saturday 6th June at Avonmouth for Triodos Renewables second local open day. Aimed at families from Bristol and beyond, it was a fantastic chance for visitors to learn more about how the companys four impressive wind turbines at the site, have the capacity to generate enough power for 4,950 UK homes.

Following huge demand for last years event, Triodos Renewables more than doubled the numbers and were able to host around 400 visitors, with the free tickets fully booked before the day. Children were treated to an array of educational and exciting activities including face painting, paper wind turbine building and wind turbine crazy golf. The award winning GENeco bio-bus was also on hand to give visitors the low-down on how it works, with a lucky few getting a chance to sit in the drivers seat. The Explorer Dome, a Bristol-based interactive planetarium, also hosted a renewable energy focused show specially created for the open day multiple times throughout the day, delighting children and parents alike.

There were also plenty of opportunities to learn more about the wind farm itself, with Triodos Renewables team on hand to explain the work done on the Avonmouth site, and the chance to peek inside one of the turbines and visit the control room.

Enthusiasm for the wind turbines was found all around the site, with children excitedly explaining what they had learned about wind energy and finding inspiration in the many educational experiences around the site. A ‘Wildlife at Avonmouth drawing station and The Landmark Practices wildlife stall meant visitors young and old could learn about the many environmental advantages the Triodos Renewables site brings to the area.

The open day was part of the year-long festivities of Bristol as European Green Capital 2015, and also was part of the first day of Big Green Week, an annual festival which takes place from 6th to 21st June. It also marked the beginning of Triodos Renewables 20th anniversary celebrations, which will continue at a birthday-themed AGM on the 19th June.

One of the young visitors Isabel, aged 7, said "I like learning about science and I like the wind turbines because theyre big and move really fast. I liked the Explorer Dome because we learned good facts about the wind turbines."

Matthew Clayton, Executive Director of Triodos Renewables, commented: "We are really pleased that our second open day has been such a success again. The public, young and older alike, are genuinely interested in how wind can make electricity and to see ethical investment at work. The turbines are enormous but they have an enormous job to do. These four at Avonmouth generate enough to power nearly 5,000 homes. Its great to see the local community engaging with what we do here at Triodos Renewables and it was a fantastic way to begin our 20th anniversary celebrations. We couldnt have asked for better weather and the activities on offer really seemed to strike a chord with our visitors."

According to, Saturday saw renewable energy supplying 43% of the UKs electricity peaking around 2pm. Triodos Renewables turbines at Avonmouth contributed to the generation figures as the blades were in constant motion through out the Open Day.

For more information about Triodos Renewables, please visit the website where you can sign up to their newsletter.

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