1st International Energy Efficiency Summit and the latest regulation in the sector - together at RENEXPO®!
To support and to be involved in the promotion of the legislative changes made by ANRE, regarding energy efficiency, REECO is organizing the 1st Interna-tional Energy Efficiency Summit for the industrial and building sector in Romania, in parallel to RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE. The event is sup-ported by ANRE - Regulatory Authority for Energy in Romania and it will take place on the 18th of November 2015, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest.
In the legislative context given to the implementation of the legislative package of European energy and climate change ANRE monitors the implementation of regulations on the liberalization of energy markets in terms of increasing energy efficiency and sustainable development, ensuring transparent and non-discriminatory access to energy together with energy consumer protection.
Given the powers conferred by Law no. 121/2014 on Energy Efficiency, En-ergy Efficiency Department of the ANRE monitors the implementation of best practices in the field, adapted to the national specific and exchange of information on issues of energy efficiency.
To support and to be involved in the promotion of the legislative changes made by ANRE, regarding energy efficiency, REECO is organizing the 1st Interna-tional Energy Efficiency Summit for the industrial and building sector in Romania, in parallel to RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE. The event is sup-ported by ANRE - Regulatory Authority for Energy in Romania and it will take place on the 18th of November 2015, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest.
Under the principles of the European Union Energy of the European Commis-sion's Communication COM / 2015/080, measures to streamline energy con-sumption, disseminated vigorously by energy consumers, are essential elements in lowering energy bills and thus measures to increase energy efficiency will un-derpin all future decisions within the context of European Union Energy.
Under national targets 2020 assumed by Romania's energy and climate change in the National Reform Program (NRP) in 2015, increasing energy efficiency is one of the three national priorities while reducing emissions of greenhouse gas and increasing the share of energy produced from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption.
Energy Efficiency is vital to the success of the energy transition and for maintain-ing a competitive edge, and is the 2nd pillar of the energy transition. It deals not only with energy savings in industry, commercial or private sector, it provides also new business models, innovation in energy saving measurements and new prod-ucts that could give the Romanian economy the advantage to align itself with other developed countries. The existing Potential for saving energy in industrial and building applications for service providers and public institutions remains to be fully exploited.
The Summit will bring together authorities, key persons in the industry and energy services suppliers - ESCO companies, to discuss the development possibilities in the sector. ANRE representatives will present the new regulation for the certifica-tion of energy service companies implementing energy performance contracting (ESCO). The event will debate topics such as: Can energy efficiency revive investments in the energy sector?; "Building" energy efficiency in build-ings: what are the perspectives, expectations, solutions and novelties?; Energy Efficiency in the industry: Energy-related services in the industrial sector - a cross field where quality, innovation and competition meet; Pub-lic sector: house-district-city of the future - from innovation to winners and others.
At RENEXPO® visitors will be in direct contact with experts, key persons in the sector and project developers for know - how exchange! Over 45 national and international companies from 11 countries, have already registered as exhibitors at RENEXPO® - 8th Energy+Efficiency Fair and Conferences, and between them there are companies from energy efficiency sector, such as: Evinox Energy din Anglia, Fiamma Brenner Service, Lisscom, Rosenc and others.
The trade fair is supported by the Ministry of Energy, Small and
Medium Enterprises and the Business Environment and by important part-ners in the sector, including: APMCR, APER, Ae3rPloiești, ENERO, ES-COROM, ICEMENERG, IRE, PSC, PPTT and many others.
For more details about RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE visit www.renexpo-bucharest.com
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