REC solar panels powering HEINEKEN's key brand, Tiger Beer brewery in Singapore

HEINEKEN's largest rooftop solar installation worldwide and one of Singapore's biggest commercial solar installations

Munich, Germany - November 25, 2015: REC, a leading global provider of solar energy solutions, inked a landmark partnership with Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) Singapore that will see the home-grown Tiger Beer brewery make the leap towards solar energy.

In a pioneering Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), REC will provide clean energy for APB Singapores facilities. This agreement will see RECs award-winning, high performance TwinPeak panels mounted across three rooftops at APB Singapore, making it the largest rooftop solar installation for HEINEKEN globally. APB Singapore is a HEINEKEN operating company.

At 2.196 megawatt peak (MWp), this solar installation is approximately four times the size of typical commercial solar installation projects. This collaboration represents HEINEKENs first solar installation project in the Asia Pacific region and is also one of RECs biggest carbon-saving initiatives to date.

Scheduled to run for the next 25 years, this PPA will see APB Singapore generate 2.3 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of clean energy annually, enough to meet the annual power consumption of 600 four-room HDB households in Singapore. Generated through 8,038 REC solar panels that are made in Singapore and spanning an area equivalent of three FIFA football fields in size, the resulting renewable energy helps APB Singapore mitigate 1,500 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, reducing its carbon footprint by 20%.

"At APB Singapore, sustainability is very much a business imperative. This launch is a milestone in our journey towards Brewing a Better World, and through our PPA with REC, places us at the forefront of sustainability within the manufacturing industry here. We hope this partnership will pave the way for the future adoption of clean energy initiatives within the various commercial industries," said Kenneth Choo, Managing Director, HEINEKEN Asia Pacific.

The renewable energy generated through this initiative dovetails APB Singapores sustainability efforts with the nations newly outlined environmental targets announced in July, ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21, set for end November.

"The PPA model will change the way businesses view renewable energy. Through this model, REC absorbs the investment and maintenance costs of installing solar systems on rooftops. Building owners need only pay for the consumed solar energy generated from their roofs at an agreed rate which is fixed for the next 25 years," said Steve ONeil, Chief Executive Officer, REC.

Building upon its decades of experience, innovation and success to deliver high-quality products that are priced competitively to encourage the adoption of solar-generated power throughout Asia, ONeil added: "We are delighted that APB Singapore has embarked on this journey with us. The adoption of solar technology allows our partner companies to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner for both people and the environment, and we believe this to be the first of many such upcoming partnerships as we help shape the future of sustainable energy adoption here and in other regions."

APB Singapore is a leading brewing company in Singapore. The companys portfolio of beers includes Tiger Beer, Heineken, Anchor Beer, Kirin, Erdinger, Kilkenny, Guinness Draught and Strongbow among others. APBS is now a HEINEKEN operating company.

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