How to Improve Solar Power - Just Add Water
Bourne Energy Creates a Floating Hybrid Power System
Bournes Fusion Power Panel ( combines its expertise in hydrokinetic technologies with marinized solar panels to create a floating hybrid power system. This unique power technology produces up to 300% more power than a comparable size solar panel while offering continuous power output. The low, flat profile panels are designed to be moored in rivers, canals, tidal flows and aqueducts. Solar panels on the topside of the float capture the suns power while micro-hydrokinetic turbines on the bottom harness the hydropower from the passing current. Together they silently produce high density power without being interrupted by clouds, rain or even nightfall, along with virtually no footprint on the ground.
This unique combination also boosts power output of both the solar and hydro components. The surrounding water is used to cool the PV panel increasing output by up to 10%. It is also used to spray dust and dirt off the surface of the PV panels which can rob up to 30% of the power. Further, this configuration eliminates the need for foundations and supports that make up as much as 40% of total PV systems costs. And the floating platform provides a strong, stable, cost-effective operating and maintenance foundation for the hydrokinetic turbine array.
In 2015 the most powerful clean energy sites were solar farms in California deserts and offshore German wind farms. But this may soon change. Bourne Energy, a clean energy startup, has successfully tested a much more energy dense approach to renewable energy. The companys solution is based on an innovative concept little noticed by the green power community. Namely, that while most regions of the planet have at least one viable renewable energy source (wind, solar, hydro, geo, biomass), some areas have more than one source that can be harnessed from the exact same footprint. This is an important concept because it has the potential to resolve the primary reason renewable energy is still trailing fossil fuels - they have lower energy densities and capacity factors.
The potential market for such a renewable energy system stretches around the globe. Rivers in Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia and America to tidal flows in China and Korea. Canals in Japan and aqueducts in Japan and China. The Fusion Power Panels strong, steady, zero-fuel power output makes it particularly valuable for: clean power for data centers, backup power for nuclear plants, baseline and backup power for IoT, as well as remote power for ROVs.
About Bourne Energy
Bourne Energy, Inc. ("Bourne"), a renewable energy company, plans to commercialize its proprietary river, tidal, wave and ocean current power technology over the next three years. Bourne plans to initially commercialize its renewable energy technology by licensing the technologies to companies who will build hydrokinetic sites in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Company Description
Bourne Energy was founded in 2005 for the purpose of developing technology that generates carbon-free electricity from hydro-kinetic power sources. Bourne has accomplished its mission by successfully developing several proprietary renewable power technologies and building an extensive portfolio of US and foreign patents.
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