Hospital PV plant wins ICCI Energy Award
The biggest solar power plant of a public enterprise in Turkey has won the ICCI Energy Award. The 5.3 MW plant is operated by Turgut Özal Medical Centre of İnönü University in Malatya, Eastern Turkey.
The PV plant of the university hospital was awarded due to its model character, its good performance and its contribution to the regional development of the eastern Anatolian province Malatya. The 5.3 MW installation has provided 9,000 MWh electricity since its inauguration February 2015. This counts for around one third of the electricity consumption of the university clinic, that is fully ventilated, heated and cooled by air-conditioning systems. The ground mounted installation covers an area of 100.000 m2 . 22,177 Jinko modules are installed. Total costs were 6.4 million Euro. 85 percent were covered by a 7-year bank loan and 15 percent through the general state budget.
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