geoAMPS 'Shouts Out' for solar

Technology company joins celebration of National 'Shout Out for Solar' Day

geoAMPS is joining the celebration of 40 years of growth and achievements for the solar energy industry.

Friday, Jan. 24, is National "Shout Out for Solar" Day, during which anyone who supports solar energy is encouraged to express that support through social media and any other way to make their voices heard.

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) was founded on Jan. 24, 1974, when five people gathered in Washington, D.C., in the basement of a hotel to discuss the possibility of establishing an association to advance solar power.

Since that inauspicious beginning, the industry has come a long way. Today, SEIA reports, there are approximately 13 gigawatts of installed solar capacity in the U.S.

Solar costs have dropped significantly in recent years, making it possible for further growth. In fact, the industry is projecting 30 percent growth by the end of this year.

Last year was a great year for the solar industry. SEIA reports that the third quarter was the second largest quarter in the history of the U.S. solar market and largest quarter ever for residential PV installations.

"All of us at geoAMPS congratulate the professionals and organizations involved in the solar industry," Yogesh Khandelwal, President and Chief Executive Officer of geoAMPS, said. "We stand ready to help the industry enjoy even greater growth during the next 40 years."

geoAMPS is helping to advance the solar industry through its web-based software product called altAMPS. altAMPS is software designed specifically to meet the needs of renewable energy projects.

altAMPS is an industry-leading, comprehensive solution for end-to-end management of solar field projects. Organizations can realize up to 35 percent cost savings through efficiencies made possible with altAMPS. That level of savings provides incentives to develop additional solar projects.

altAMPS' robust and configurable framework provides compressed sequence times and complies with the organization's unique business processes. Agents in the field can upload notes, inspection reports and other project information on mobile devices through a centralized database of project information.

altAMPS is an efficient way to manage an organization's solar panel infrastructure.

Dan Liggett is Communications and Public Relations Manager of geoAMPS, a technology company in the Columbus, OH, area that specializes in software solutions to manage land rights and infrastructure assets. For more information, call 614-389-4871 or visit

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