The renewable specialist starts its collaboration with two US National Laboratories NREL and INL to use empirical data from the Stillwater Geothermal/Solar Project ----The parties will jointly explore and quantify the benefits of integrating renewable energy technologies at the same site. ----The agreement paves the way for further innovation into next-generation geothermal facilities.

GameChange Pour-in-Place™ Wins 6 MW Landfill Orders in MA

Install Time and Value were Key Factors

Array Technologies Wraps-Up Tracker Shipments to 35 MW Avalon Solar

Avalon Solar is under construction in south-central Arizona

Middle East players to meet with Indian solar companies at INDIASOL 2014

Key developers and EPCs from the Middle East will be attending INDIASOL 2014 (8-9 October, New Delhi) to explain the opportunities for Indian solar companies to expand their business in the Middle East and discuss international partnerships for upcoming projects.

Britain Is Solar-Energy Hot Spot

Britain, a land of cloudy skies and reliable rain, is fast becoming the hottest spot in Europe for many investors in solar energy. Germany is overcrowded with panels. A sudden end to subsidies killed Spanish solar. A sluggish economy is dragging on Italy. But the U.K. has benefited from a combination of stable subsidies since 2011, public support for solar, amenable planning authorities and creative finance. In 2010, there were under 100 megawatts of solar capacity in the U.K.—barely enough to power the homes of a modest town. Now, there is between 3.2 and 4 gigawatts. This year, market-research firm Solarbuzz projects that the U.K. will overtake Germany as Europe's largest installer of solar panels, putting in 6% of the world's new solar.

Wide Temperature Range Self-lubricating Materials Industry

2014 Market Research Report on Global and China Wide Temperature Range Self-lubricating Materials Industry> was professional and depth research report on Global and China Wide Temperature Range Self-lubricating Materials industry.

Wind Power Converter Industry 2014

2014 Market Research Report on Global and China Wind Power Converter Industry was professional and depth research report on Global and China Wind Power Converter industry.

DNV GL verifies Unirac's Roof Mount (RM) Installs at 12 Modules Per Man Hour

Unirac, Inc., a Hilti Group Company and leading provider of high quality, competitive PV mounting solutions in North America, is proud to announce we received 3rd party verification that Roof Mount's installation speed is 12 modules per man hr., an industry leading standard.

Fixed-Tilt System vs. Single-Axis Tracker O&M Comparison

As PV plants come out of warranty from the installer, an understanding of what needs repair, when, and how to do it is just as important as what equipment was selected and how it was installed.

Vertical-axis, Magnetically Levitated AND Magnetically Powered Wind Turbine Technology

Regenedyne has invented a magnetic levitation system, that when combined with the advanced aeronautics, eliminates the wobble issue and allows for a smooth, near frictionless, rotation.

Most Popular Alternative Energy Articles: Jan - July 2014

Here are some of the more popular articles so far this year --- a wide range of alternative energy topics.

The Future of Solar is Written in its Past

The PV pioneers and solar veterans made the future possible, but we couldn't imagine what it would look like. The young now own it, and they have no doubts about where it is going, and what they have to do to get it there.

Solar Energy Moves into a Brighter Future

Sun tracking is accomplished through azimuth and elevation (screw jack) drives that require a high degree of accuracy and durability.

Pakistan solar industry faces ‘total collapse' if newly imposed taxes and duties on solar are not withdrawn

Imposition of a 32% tax had led to an estimated 70 containers of solar panels becoming stuck at the port of Karachi, Pakistan, with estimates that up to 50MW will be stranded by the end of July.

Economical Operation even at Reduced Feed-in Rates

seebaWIND Service presents a new model for the continued operation of wind power plants at WindEnergy Hamburg

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​Stäubli Electrical Connectors

​Stäubli Electrical Connectors

​Stäubli Electrical Connectors are used on more than 300 GW, over 50% of the PV capacity worldwide. The MC4 family of UL and TUV listed products include connectors, in-line fuses, branch connectors, cable assembly and more.