Why Japan Will Turn to Solar Energy Following Fukushima

As the dire news continues to leach out of Fukishima, the silver lining in its nuclear cloud is that renewable energy technologies, despite their daunting start-up costs, are receiving renewed scrutiny.

Milbank Moves Into Wind Industry

Milbank studied renewables for years before deciding to enter the industry. Distributed wind generation allows nearly 70% of the US to install their own turbines, to produce their own power and control their own energy costs and consumption.

2011 AWEA WindPower Conference & Exhibition Report

The AltEnergyMag team had the opportunity to walk the expo floor and visit with companies from across the industry for a peak at some of the new products that will be showcased this year. Below is a compilation of some great new products that should be an interest to you.

Biomass Exchange - A Plug in the Missing Link

In India alone, one can observe several cases where bio-energy projects of the scale greater than 5 MW are on sale already, even with their power purchase agreements still in place. Such events necessitate the need to have a mechanism in place which would further seek the promotion of such technologies.

Does the Public Sector already hold the key to delivering energy efficiency?

So implementing energy efficiency measures sounds like a good idea in principle, but how can local authorities or municipalities balance the equation of technology costs and fund the capital expenditure? Put simply, some of the measures that can be implemented deliver savings immediately with payback periods that are very short - in some instances only 6 months. However; to address a set of larger scale measures, the answer comprises 3 elements: i) scale of project, ii) guaranteeing savings through energy performance contracting and iii) access to competitive (low interest rate) finance.

AWEA 2011- Special News Report

News announcements from AWEA 2011

Solar Cogeneration - The highest utilization of the sun's resources

Solar cogeneration combines proven photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal technologies to maximize total collected energy and optimize economic benefits for institutional, commercial and industrial customers. Using up to 80 percent of the sun's delivered energy

Key Issues In the Clean Tech Industry: The Role Of Public Relations

Once of the greatest barriers to the adoption of new clean technologies is the upfront cost, with the resulting sticker shock sending consumers running. Many clean tech firms offer attractive financing packages, but fall down on marketing them effectively, or -- on an even more basic level -- adequately explaining them.

SB X 1-2 and California's New Energy Future

This law, called the California Renewable Energy Resources Act, obligates all California electricity providers to obtain at least 33% of their energy from renewable resources by the year 2020. This requirement constitutes the most aggressive renewable portfolio standard in the country.

Mechanical ventilation and heat recovery System with integral heat pump

This article explains: some background to our bungalow design, why we had the original mechanical ventilation and heat recovery system installed; why we chose the latest system and our experience with both systems.

International Wind Energy Development: World Market Update 2010

This year's World Market Updated includes a full chapter dedicated to Direct-Drive WTG versus Gearbox-Equipped WTG. The increased use of the direct-drive turbines across the wind market is impacting the wind industry. The World Market Update 2010 identifies and compares the pros and cons of both the direct-drive and gearbox-equipped concepts, as well as the implications of using permanent magnets on a large scale.

Echo Captures More Untapped Solar Energy

This is an interesting use of existing technologies combined to build a viable solution.

Suppliers Converging on Electricity Distribution Automation Opportunity

Short description of recent trade show visits, highlighting increased supplier and customer awareness of distribution automation as stepping-stone to renewables integration and development of smart grid

The ESD (Engineering Society of Detroit) Ride and Drive of the Chevy Volt

GM invited members of the Engineering Society of Detroit out to the Proving Gounds in Milford for test drives. There were 11 Volts and they paired us up for a test drive out into Milford and down to Lake Kensington and out on to I 96 for a few miles and then circled back to the Proving grounds. Everyone was excited by their drive and we were told that virtually every one on the development team had their order in on the new vehicle. It is being built in the Hamtramck/Detroit Cadillac Plant that Coleman Young fought for and the lithium ion Battery Packs are being built in a new Brownstown plant nearby.


The basic principles of Joint Implementation are defined in Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. Project participants from two (or more) Annex 1 Parties may jointly implement an emissions-reducing project in the territory of an Annex 1 Party, and count the resulting emission reduction units towards meeting the Kyoto target of the other involved Annex 1 Party/ies.

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Solar Power - Featured Product

Raptor Maps - The integrated operating system for end-to-end solar management

Raptor Maps - The integrated operating system for end-to-end solar management

Operate autonomous drones and other robotics technology on your solar farms with Raptor Maps' robotics operations platform. Our end-to-end solution allows you to build and schedule data collection missions, to analyze collected data through our analytics engine, and to address identified issues through our remediation intelligence suite. From construction monitoring to substation inspections to SCADA-alert generation missions, Raptor Robotics gives your team unparalleled insights into the health and status of your project. Improve the safety, efficiency, and scale of your operations with Raptor Robotics.