Element 1 Corp
Element 1 Corporation designs and manufacturers hydrogen generators using fuel reforming technology. The primary fuel source is currently a blend of methanol/water, now used in e1's H-Series reformer. The primary application of the e1 product line is to generate hydrogen on site, and on demand for PEM fuel cell power applications. These include both grid-tied and off-grid applications, to support extended duration run time requirements for the fuel cell system. The e1 hydrogen generator displaces the requirements for compressed cylinder hydrogen delivery for most applications. Currently, the power range served is 1kw – 10kw in a rack mount package suitable for standardized power cabinets. Element 1 is also actively involved in the development of a natural gas fueled reformer for a variety of power and merchant hydrogen applications. The expected release date is mid-2014. In addition to fuel cell power, e1 products may be used for a variety of commercial applications where industrial hydrogen is required for manufacturing.
Mailing Address:
62971 Plateau Drive
Bend, Oregon 97701
United States of America
Tel: 541 306 3936
Company Category: Solar Power
Company Sector: Manufacturing
Keywords: hydrogen generators reformer methanol backup power
Partner Status: Free Company Listing