Renewable energy with its array of incentive schemes has been embraced by some farmers but there are many farms, particularly in rural locations which have yet to grab a slice of this lucrative pie, where a 'per-turbine' windfall of anything between £5,000 and £10,000 per annum index linked for 20 years is up for grabs.
In the past few years, farmers have looked beyond the traditional arable and dairy revenue streams, as they seek to maximise land use for the best financial returns.
Renewable energy with its array of incentive schemes has been embraced by some, but there are many farms, particularly in rural locations which have yet to grab a slice of this lucrative pie. And with a 'per-turbine' windfall of anything between £5,000 and £10,000 per annum index linked for 20 years up for grabs, more farmers can secure additional income stream from simply leasing a small piece of their land for the siting of a turbine..
With poor harvests and unusually harsh weather, dramatically rising energy costs are also taking their toll on cash-strapped farmers, whilst recent innovations in turbine design have improved generation levels from turbines and lifespan.
Farmers who have land with the right topography and wind conditions can also receive a double benefit by leasing the necessary land to the developer AND using the electricity on their farm!
Steve McMahon, VP Sales and Marketing, Orenda Energy Solutions commented;
"Despite this widespread belief that almost every farmer in the land has turned to renewable wind energy, the reality is that only a very small percentage of UK farms utilise wind energy
"Scotland is THE windiest country in Europe and just seems crazy for us to miss out on harnessing this TRULY renewable and sustainable energy source. What may appear as land which is not ideal for a wide variety of farming uses, may be ideal for wind power generation and more farmers should be taking advantage of this at small/medium wind turbine level.
"We're not talking large utility grade wind turbines like you see in wind farms; these are small structures with towers no more than 30m high. It would be good to see farmers consider leasing their land as part of their overall farm revenue optimisation strategy."
For further information please contact Kevin Dorrian at Acumen on 0044 131 661 7027 - email - or twitter @acumenpr
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