PVinsights: Global solar prices deepens as polysilicon collapse

Polysilicon prices start to collapse obviously this week, particularly the price in China with more than 4% drops. The scope of polysilicon price correction was not enough, in contrast to the downstream components in August, leaving the stockpiles continues to pile up over the period as the trading were less active. However, as entering into a quarterly financial end in September, the increasing inventory pressure compound by sluggish downstream demand and slashed wafer prices eventually compromise Chinese polysilicon suppliers on adjusting prices quotes down dramatically. On the other hand, polysilicon prices out of China also extend the slump this week, but the price corrections are less noticeable than in China since the price baseline is much lower than that in China. As the result, without seeing any sign of global demand recovery that could possibly alleviate serious global supply glut soon, polysilicon supplier are forced to provide more price discounts in order to lessen the stock levels .

Polysilicon prices start to collapse obviously this week, particularly the price in China with more than 4% drops. The scope of polysilicon price correction was not enough, in contrast to the downstream components in August, leaving the stockpiles continues to pile up over the period as the trading were less active. However, as entering into a quarterly financial end in September, the increasing inventory pressure compound by sluggish downstream demand and slashed wafer prices eventually compromise Chinese polysilicon suppliers on adjusting prices quotes down dramatically. On the other hand, polysilicon prices out of China also extend the slump this week, but the price corrections are less noticeable than in China since the price baseline is much lower than that in China. As the result, without seeing any sign of global demand recovery that could possibly alleviate serious global supply glut soon, polysilicon supplier are forced to provide more price discounts in order to lessen the stock levels .

The price slump of multi-crystalline wafer continues to accelerate this week. As major cell and module makers scale back their production utilization rates, their appetite for wafer procurement becomes more conservative. The top tier multi-crystalline wafer makers recently respond with more price discounts in attempt to secure the orders. Such moves by 1st tier multi-crystalline wafer suppliers have forced the 2nd and 3rd tier multi-crystalline wafer makers to offer more competitive pricing in prevention of demand shift. Moreover, the top tier multi-crystalline wafer suppliers also adjust the average prices in overseas down to around $0.60/pcs this week. In addition, with the significant price correction of polysilicon, multi-crystalline wafer makers are having more flexibility to lower the price, driving the price of multi-crystalline wafer to plunge sharply this week. In contrast to multi-crystalline wafer price, the correction of mono-crystalline wafer price is relatively limited as 1st tier mono-crystalline wafer makers hesitate to follow the drastic correction of multi-ones amid the consideration of its cost structure. However, due to the sluggishness in the downstream, mono-crystalline wafer prices continue to remain pressured this week.

Following the correction of multi-crystalline wafer prices, the drop of multi-crystalline cell prices still seems unstoppable even after the steepest decline in August. Although most solar cell makers have lowered production output, their obtained orders still cannot fulfill the current production capacities such that supply glut continues to reverberate. In addition, the price premium for solar cells in overseas also sees a drastic shrinkage, since major Chinese module suppliers start leveraging their capacity in Southeastern Asia. On the other hand, mono-crystalline cell price follow the correction of multi-crystalline cell price closely. Therefore, with the depressed demand and the correction of wafer price, both multi- and mono-crystalline cell prices plummet steeply this week.

Solar panel prices worldwide remain pressured this week, as Chinese firms extend the price competition to global solar markets. The second tier Chinese solar cell makers focus their battlefields mostly in China and India to dump the accumulated stockpiles, as evidenced by record low regional prices. Meanwhile, major Chinese module makers find EU, US and Japan, where solar panels are priced higher, to place strategic pricing as the profit margin rooms are still plenty than that in China and India. Moreover, with the further price corrections of solar cells, module makers can continue to offer more competitive price in order to win limited orders. Therefore, the fierce competitions that dominated by the Chinese module players have spread from China across the world, leading solar panel prices to drop extensively this week.

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