The product we will be focusing on is our namesake product, the Low Profile QuickBOLT with Microflashing®. This is the 1st and only UL certified Microflashing in the world. It seals roof penetrations and does not require the installer to lift shingles or remove nails and sta
Contributed by | QuickBOLT
Your company will be presenting at NABCEP CE Conference, what is it that makes this an important event for your company?
We enjoy attending and presenting at NABCEP because this conference really focuses on education – something we are very passionate about. Over the past couple of years, we have become the experts in flashing methods. The solar field is evolving every year and want to make sure installers are aware of new technology that will save them time and money.
What can an attendee to your presentation expect to learn this year?
Someone who attends our presentation can expect to leave knowing the most advanced way to seal roof penetrations on future jobs. They will learn how they can cut their installation times by one third, save money, and reduce waste while installing rooftop solar.
Any new or recently released products you will be showcasing?
The product we will be focusing on is our namesake product, the Low Profile QuickBOLT with Microflashing®. This is the 1st and only UL certified Microflashing in the world. It seals roof penetrations and does not require the installer to lift shingles or remove nails and staples.
The Low Profile QuickBOLT with Microflashing can be installed in less than 30 seconds and is the future of rooftop solar.
When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see?
We’re most interested to see our customers. We love to meet with them in person and get their feedback. We’re also very excited to talk to installers we haven’t worked yet and show them our products in person, as well as answer any questions they may have.
How about Panel sessions, do you intend to sit in on any of these this year?
We will be spending most of our time in the booth meeting with current and future customers, demoing our product and answering questions for them. Plus, we’ve got some sweet SWAG to giveaway this year, don’t miss out!
When you book for an event like this what are your expectations and what does your company hope to accomplish at the event?
We’re expecting to have a great show! This will be our first show since re-branding as QuickBOLT and we’re excited to get out there and let everyone know what we’re all about. We hope to educate installers about flashing methods and our QuickBOLT with Microflashing® products.
The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AltEnergyMag
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