Global Warming Is Shrinking The Plants And Animals

A recent profile study made an important discovery for future plants and animals on Earth: accelerating global warming caused by human activities decreases the size of all species of plants and animals.

The most obvious example is that of polar bears, which large specimens have not been seen for two decades in the wild.

Climate changes not only have a major impact on human populations, but also on sources of food such as cereals or ocean fish banks. The species of wild animals that can not adapt quickly enough to climate changes are at the most risk of extinction, with dramatic changes to ecosystems in which they lived.

Researchers believe that a warmer and more arid climate will decrease the size of plants and animals, mainly due to decrease of water resources in their ecosystems.

Over the past century, several types of animals, including turtles, tits, frogs or deers are becoming increasingly smaller.

The decrease of Arctic glaciers in recent years has led to considerable smaller polar bears. Because their environment is shrinking they must adapt and become smaller so they will survive in the future but the scientists are not sure if the polar bears can keep up with the accelerated pollution and they might face extinction.

Reduction of food reserves will affect especially the animals that are at the top of the food chain, including people who in the future will be increasingly smaller, will have fewer children and more vulnerable to disease.

In the last century, global average temperature has increased by almost one degree (Celsius), but after increasing industrialization scientists believe that around year 2100 the average temperature will be 7 degrees higher than today and this mean an mass extinction of animals and plants and possible humans.

A separate study conducted over 1700 species of plants and animals, proved that 80% of them moved their living area with 6.1 kilometers north every ten years and 87% bloom or begin the mating season two days earlier each decade.

Experimental studies have found that for every degree (Celsius) above the global average temperature, the plants lose about 17% of their size and the fish are becoming about 22% smaller.

Global warming is becoming a bigger problem with each year in which we are still using fossil fuels to produce our growing need for energy. But if we want to save our Planet and all it's live we must change our ways of producing energy.

We can change our future but only if everyone as individuals decide to make a difference and reduce their pollution footprint. We must start to produce home made energy and become energy independents so we don't have to buy polluted energy from the big electric companies anymore.

For more information on how to reduce your pollution footprint and go green, visit:

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