ITS modules excellently suited to coastal and agricultural use
The ITS Economy NEW module series has been successfully tested for use by the sea and on farmland. Independent test institute SGS Germany GmbH carried out salt mist testing to determine the effects that long-term exposure to sea air would have on the modules.
Munich, December 6, 2011. The ITS Economy NEW module series has been successfully tested for use by the sea and on farmland. Independent test institute SGS Germany GmbH carried out salt mist testing to determine the effects that long-term exposure to sea air would have on the modules. Ammonia resistance testing, also performed by the institute, simulated conditions representing a minimum of 20 years use installed on livestock buildings. Neither of the tests found any impairment in the mechanical or electrical quality of the modules, even once stringent test cycles were completed.
Innotech Solar opted to subject its modules to level 6 salt mist corrosion testing under the IEC 61701:2009 standard – the highest stress test level. Tests at this level last 1,344 hours, during which time the modules are exposed to high concentrations of airborne salt in an alternating temperature and humidity cycle. No corrosion or loss of power was recorded following this stress test. In fact, the new module series passed with flying colours and was granted certification for salt mist corrosion resistance, proving that ITS Economy NEW modules are excellently suited to use in coastal regions or on islands.
Ammonia resistance testing simulates the effects of air from livestock buildings on solar modules. This air often contains high concentrations of ammonia, which forms a corrosive solution when combined with water. The test was conducted in line with specifications from the German Agricultural Society (DLG) and involved exposing the modules to an ammonia concentration of 750 ppm at 70°C and 70% relative humidity for a duration of 1,500 hours. Output measurements were not only taken under normal test conditions, but also under low levels of insolation, which can occur, for example, on overcast days. The subsequent inspections showed neither external damage nor any measurable differences in electrical output. Innotech Solar is therefore able to guarantee that the ITS Economy NEW modules will deliver consistently high electricity yields on agricultural buildings and land.
ITS Economy NEW modules are manufactured exclusively in Sweden. Furthermore, their production methods boast a particularly low carbon footprint, as the modules are made from solar cells that are optimised using the company's unique laser- technology, bringing the solar cells to their full capacity.
About Innotech Solar
The Innotech Solar Group is a solar technology company and international provider of PV modules and customized solar cells. The company specializes in the analysis and optimization of solar cells and employs industrial processes developed by their own research teams. Innotech Solar tests, sorts and optimizes more cells from different manufacturers than any other cell or module provider in the world. Production is based in Norway, Sweden and Germany; subsidiaries are located in China, Switzerland and the U.S.A.
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Press contact:
Georg Eversheim
Phone: +1 760 727 7566
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