Natural Power widens Ecology offerings through partnership with Welsh firm Ecology Matters

Natural Power has signed a framework agreement with Welsh based ecology consultants, Ecology Matters, widening Natural Power's resource and expertise in onshore and offshore wind farm ecology issues

Leading international renewable energy consultancy group Natural Power has signed a framework agreement with Welsh based ecology consultants, Ecology Matters. This agreement widens Natural Power's resource and expertise in onshore and offshore wind farm ecology issues, allowing the companies to work together in order to further develop their respective and mutual expertise.

Natural Power's Welsh office in Aberystwyth has consented 40MW in Wales and has another 346MW in planning as well as working on several early stage projects in England and Wales whilst the Ecology team has been established for some nine years, and is based in Scotland. Ecology Matters staff have been providing wind farm assessments since the late 1980's and are currently working on over 20 sites across the UK. Combined, the teams stand as one of the most experienced, qualified and knowledgeable Ecology partnerships in the country and are positioned to assist renewable energy development clients with their complete Ecology & Hydrology requirements for studies and services.

Commenting on the agreement, John Woodruff, Natural Power's Senior Development Manager in Wales said: "We have worked with Ecology Matters on several sites and feel the two companies share a common approach to Ecology & Hydrology – this arrangement helps to strengthen the offering of both companies, ultimately assisting our respective clients and seeking new opportunities in the market."

Richard Walls, Director of Ecology and Hydrology at Natural Power added: "Natural Power's in-house Ecology & Hydrology team now stands at over 30 and is the only dedicated resource solely focused on renewables in the UK. Partnering with Ecology Matters is a logical way to bolster the Natural Power team while ensuring that we can complement each other in the provision of high quality ecological services."

Sarah Cartmel, Director of Ecology Matters commented "We are delighted to have signed this framework agreement with Natural Power and look forward to working closely with them on a variety of projects. The two companies have skills which complement each other and the agreement will allow us both to provide high quality ecological services for onshore and offshore renewables projects across the UK."

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