SSX ONTARIO: Solar Summit & eXpo - Rescheduled for September 6-7, 2012

Canada's most comprehensive solar conference postponed to align with new release date of revised Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) program to maximize value.

June 20, 2012

Toronto, Ontario The restart of Ontario's progressive Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) program was originally set for May 7, 2012. The release of the new rules and application process for FIT 2.0 will now be sometime during the summer. SSX ONTARIO's summit program is focused on how to succeed under the new regulations. So, in consultation with our presenters, exhibitors, and sponsors, it was decided to reschedule for September 6-7, 2012.

SSX ONTARIO: Solar Summit & eXpo is Solar Network International's fourth B2B Ontario Solar Summit, now expanded to include an exposition of leading-edge companies and organizations. This unique event takes place September 6-7, 2012, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Ontario is the fastest growing region in North America for solar energy and SSX ONTARIO will be the most comprehensive solar event ever held in the province. In 2009, the Ontario government launched the "Feed-in-tariff" (FIT) and microFIT programs. These programs are the first of their kind in North America developed to encourage clean renewable energy. After the planned two-year review, the government announced that the program would restart, with significantly revised rules, on May 7, 2012. However, several thorny issues apparently needed more time. Ontario's Minister of Energy, Chris Bentley, recently confirmed that the program will start up again before the end of the summer. "We want to get it right," Bentley stated in a press conference on June 12.

SSX ONTARIO ( was designed to enable the industry to reconvene after the new rules were released and the program was back on track. "Our only option was to reschedule for early September," stated Graham Fowler, a lead organizer of the event. "We are grateful that 95% of our presenters, exhibitors and sponsors were able to stick with us on the new dates."

The SSX Summit program will be conducted over two days and includes sessions on key issues in the Solar PV market with conference tracks directed to specific markets. The summit features 95+ speakers, including keynotes by Paula Mints, Principal Analyst, PV Services Program, Director, Energy Practice at Navigant Consulting and George Smitherman, Ontario's former Minister of Energy and Architect of the Green Energy Act of 2009. Attendees will explore the challenges and learn solutions for successfully implementing solar energy from senior industry stakeholders.

The two-day B2B Expo will feature up to 50 companies showcasing cutting-edge Solar PV products and services.

"Ontario's Green Energy Act inspired enormous private investment in solar energy projects. Now is the time for us to learn from our achievements and build on our success for Ontario to realize its potential as a global leader in solar energy," says Jacob Travis, President of Solar Network International.

The SolarVision Awards Gala- September 6, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, will honour and celebrate the visionaries who are advancing and making possible the gains in solar energy in Ontario.

About Solar Network International
Solar Network International, a not-for-profit organization based in Toronto, Ontario, is committed to advancing solar energy for all stakeholders. Co-founders Jacob Travis and Graham Fowler, recognized thought leaders in Canada's solar energy field, are dedicated to growing regional chapters of Solar Network through events and publications. Their focus is on strengthening key emerging markets in the Americas through events on regional opportunities and challenges.

Ontario Solar Network has held multiple events since 2010, establishing the organization as the leading convener of Ontario's Solar PV industry. Previous summits have featured such authorities as Colin Anderson, CEO, Ontario Power Authority; Jigar Shah, Founder, SunEdison; George Smitherman, former Ontario Minister of Energy and architect of Ontario's FIT program; and Tim Weis, Director, Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency, Pembina Institute

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