Distributed Generation Virtual Summit 2012
Developed by the Smart Grid Observer, the Distributed Generation Virtual Summit on August 23 is a one-day, 100% online event designed to help utilities understand the challenges and opportunities posed by distributed generation, and leverage it effectively as a tool for coping with load growth.
Distributed generation currently has significant momentum as an emerging generation resource class and has the potential to be a game-changer in the energy industry -- both from a technology and traditional utility model perspective. Distributed resources present new operational and business opportunities and challenges for utilities, yet they shift the basic relationship between utilities and their customers. The trend is underway: the "smart energy" market in 2011 represented more than 10% of the global annual additional capacity forecast by the International Energy Agency.
Developed by the Smart Grid Observer, the Distributed Generation Virtual Summit on Thursday, August 23 is a one-day, 100% online event designed to help utilities understand the challenges and opportunities posed by distributed generation, and leverage it effectively as a tool for coping with load growth. The emphasis is on real-world case studies, technology advances, and business models for the reliable and efficient utilization of distributed generation resources in the energy mix.
20% off Early Bird discount pricing is in effect for this event through this Friday, August 17.
Expert Speakers Include:
Margarett Jolly, Distributed Generation Ombudsman, Con Edison, NY
Dr. Hussam Alatrash, DMTS, Advanced Technology Group, Petra Solar
Dr. Gary Stern. Director-Market Strategy & Resource Planning, Southern California Edison
Scott Baker, Business Solutions Analyst, PJM Interconnection
Joaquin Silva, President and CEO, On-Ramp Wireless
Paul Steffes, CEO, Steffes Corporation
Dr. Michael Ropp, President and Principal Engineer, Northern Plains Power Technologies
Osamu Onodera, Chief Representative, Silicon Valley Office, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Manny Barrera, Director of Engineering, Mesa Del Sol
Topics To Be Addressed Include:
- Ensuring reliability while moving toward distributed generation
- Effectively integrating renewable distributed energy resources
- Issues surrounding communications and network management for DG
- Transitioning to a distributed generation paradigm while protecting legacy investments
- Integration of intermittent, distributed solar PV into the grid
- Microgrids as a strategy for managing DG
- Current status of energy storage in distributed generation resources
- Market drivers, trends, and reality-based business models
- Operational, safety, economic, and policy issues facing distributed generation
- Grid interconnection and control issues
- Case studies and lessons learned to date
The 100% online format of the Distributed Generation Virtual Summit makes it easy,
cost-effective, and convenient to participate live from anywhere in the world. Registrants are allowed to:
Attend all sessions throughout the day, coming and going to fit their schedule
View recorded sessions (audio + PowerPoint) for 3 months after the event
Download .PDFs of the presentations
Interact live with presenters and attendees via conference bridge and text chat
Receive a complimentary subscription to The Smart Grid Observer weekly e-newsletter
For full information and to register, visit: http://www.smartgridobserver.com/index-dgvs.htm
Daniel Coran, Editor
Smart Grid Observer
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