Fuerteventura: Conergy roof-top plants for fruit and vegetable wholesaler
System supplier strengthens position in Canaries with a total of 14 MW installed capacity
Hamburg / Fuerteventura, 10 January 2013 – Conergy is building additional solar plants on the Canary Islands. Following the installation of a roof-top plant in the Canaries at a coffee roasting company, which is the largest on-roof installation in the Canaries at 1.7 megawatt, and another, 500 kilowatt project on Grand Canary and three more roof-top plants totalling 500 kilowatt are being constructed for a fruit and vegetable wholesaler in Antigua on the volcanic island of Fuerteventura. Conergy is acting as general contractor of the plants and is also supplying the components.
In the future, some 2,000 Conergy PowerPlus modules for the three power plants installed on approximately 3,400 square metres of roof space on the storage buildings will generate around 900,000 kilowatt hours of clean electricity per year, making the local fruit and vegetables even greener in the holiday paradise which was declared a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO in 2009. The plants will also prevent some 740 tonnes of damaging CO2 being released – corresponding to the emissions of 290 holiday flights from Germany to the volcanic island off the West Coast of Africa.
"Like the other Canary Islands, Fuerteventura relies on agriculture and tourism," said Luis Jiménez Gutierrez, Managing Director of Conergy Spain. "Environmental protection and sustainability are of great importance for both sectors and influence the islanders' actions. Also, the sun-kissed islands are virtually predestined for solar power. In most instances, solar power is already considerably cheaper here today than electricity from the grid. No doubt there will be many more plants following our existing solar plants in the Canaries, which already total around 14 megawatts."
About Conergy
Conergy delivers solar energy systems from a single source. As a system supplier, Conergy produces all components for a solar installation and offers all services under one roof.
With its modules, inverters and mounting systems, the solar expert creates Conergy System Technology, which is efficient solar energy systems for private or commercial rooftops, as well as for multi-Megawatt Parks. Conergy System Services deliver a "Worry-Free Package" for Conergy solar installations – from "A" for architectural planning to "Y" for yield insurance and "Z" for zero trouble. Conergy's experts not only install on-site turn-key solar projects, but they also manage the planning and financing, project implementation, system monitoring, operation and on-going maintenance of the project for maximum performance. With this comprehensive technology and service package, Conergy offers yield insurance for its installations. Conergy System Sales brings Conergy premium products to nearly 40 countries. From "A" for Australia to "T" for Tunisia – the solar expert supports homeowners, installers, wholesalers and investors in their efforts to "go solar". With sales activities on five continents, Conergy has close relationships with all its customers. In 2010, more than half of Conergy's sales were generated outside of Germany.
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