Intersolar Europe: Press Agency Krampitz Communications presents the first results of their communic
Two thirds of the biomass, solar and wind companies surveyed do not have a communication strategy
Cologne, Germany, 12.06.2013. Only one in three enterprises in the renewable energy industry have a dedicated communication strategy. Particularly those responsible for PR in firms without a properly defined communication strategy criticise the lack of an overall plan, and the lack of internal and financial support for communication activities. While 74 per cent of those responsible for corporate communication consider press and public relations work important, only a few of the enterprises surveyed provide a significant budget for PR activities. Despite turnovers running into millions, half of the companies questioned invest less than 10,000 euros a year in such activities.
These are the initial results of the ongoing study "Communication in Biomass, Solar and Wind Firms" being carried out by Krampitz Communications. The agency, which has specialised in renewable energy and technology topics since 2004, is presenting the preliminary results and trends shown by the study at Intersolar Europe on 20 June 2013, 11:00 am.
Measuring results of PR work
"Only those who proceed strategically, with clearly defined goals and target groups, and who develop messages based on their special strengths will have any success with their communication activities", says agency proprietor Iris Krampitz. "With this study, we want to substantiate what we have learned in nine years press work in the renewable energy sector, sensitise the industry for strategic press and public relations work, and find out how strategic the communication work done by biomass, solar and wind firms is today." The Cologne based agency is also examining the extent to which the messages reach their intended target audiences.
Since April 2013 Krampitz Communications has been surveying those responsible for corporate communications in biomass, solar and wind firms about their press and public relations work. The second part of the study will investigate how successful the communication activities are. The final results and reports are due to be published in the fourth quarter of 2013.
Online questionnaire
Company spokespersons and communications managers can take part in the survey until 15 July 2013. The questionnaire can be downloaded at and input is kept anonymous.
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