Ground-breaking Indian study benchmarks Pongamia Biodiesel 2030 pricing

Projecting a Path for Permanent Progress & Prosperity A WORKING PAPER ON PONGAMIA BIODIESEL FOR 2030

Ground-breaking Indian research on the viability of Pongamia Biodiesel has today been released titled "PONGAMIA BIODIESEL 2030: Projecting a Path for Permanent Progress & Prosperity, at the culmination of almost three years of work by The Advanced Biofuel Center (CJP).The results of the unique study as part of the center's ongoing research and development programmes on nonfood biodiesel crops and technologies..

Researchers at the CJP- Advanced Biofuel Center, based in India, looked at the agronomy, harvesting engineering and associated financial viability of Pongamia Biodiesel production.
The work involved detailed techno-economic modeling of the processes to convert oily seeds from a tree called Pongamia from plantation to production of biodiesel. The results showed that using current proven technologies, the Pongamia Biodiesel would be economically competitive with crude oil as well as with all Liquid biofuels.
While the research showed Pongamia Biodiesel processes still require research and innovation to become economically viable for use in jets compared to existing fuels, the aim was to identify research priorities that will have the largest impact on lowering the price. These priorities include: development of high yielding planting stock, Enhanced agronomy to producing Pongamia seeds with higher oil content; and engineering to covert oil into biodiesel.
Rising demand for fossil fuels will result in fundamental problems. With their depletion, increasing scarcity of supply will lead to intensified competition for a finite resource, while their unequal geographic distribution represents a threat to energy security for many countries. In addition, fossil fuels release carbon dioxide (CO2), the main driver of climate change. A recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) expressed the need for the world to act quickly and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avert the catastrophic effects of climate change. The IPCC has identified energy efficiency and tripling – or even quadrupling – the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2050 as the key ways to achieve substantial emission reductions.
Renewables account for only 18% of global total final energy consumption. Half of the total renewables demand comes from the traditional use of biomass. In view of the increasing demand for energy, particularly in developing countries, this also poses important concerns because of its unsustainable supply and the negative effects of indoor air pollution.
In view of these challenges, in 2011 the United Nations Secretary General launched the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative with three interlinked objectives to be achieved by 2030: ensure universal access to modern energy services; double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
The International Renewable EnergyAgency (IRENA) joined this global effort as the SE4ALL Hub for renewable energy.
Tasked by member countries to explore ways to put SE4All's renewable energy objective into practice, IRENA has developed REmap 2030, a global renewable energy roadmap. REmap 2030 provides a plan to double the share of renewable energy in the world's energy mix between 2010 and 2030. It determines the realistic potential for countries, regions and the world to scale up renewable in order to ensure a sustainable energy future. REmap shows practical, realistic ways to meet the renewable energy objective of the SE4All initiative. Along with technological challenges and opportunities, IRENA's analysis takes account of the need for financing mechanisms, skills, political will and planning.
The EIA forecasts crude prices will be $120/b in 2030 and $141/b by 2040. In a high-price scenario, in which demand is stronger than expected or supply falls short of projections, oil could top $200/b by 2040.
Further Remap 2030 estimates the reference Price of the Liquid biofuel $ 257/b
The Study results show that if we start today we can produce Pongamia Biofuel @ $ 97.5 in 2030.
According to the FAO, worldwide there are approximately 13 billion hectares (ha) of land available, of which 4.5 billion ha are suitable for crop production . Out of this 4.5 billion ha, 1.8 billion ha is not available for crop production as they are used for non-agricultural purpose (e.g., urban and protected areas) or needs to be protected for environmental protection (closed forests6). Thus, the total amount of suitable land available for crop production is estimated at approximately 2.7 billion ha. The current production of food crops utilizes some 1.5 billion ha of land, of which 1.3 billion ha falls under this category of "suitable land". As a result, about 1.4 billion ha additional land is suitable but unused to date and thus could be allocated for bioenergy supply in future.
A major Pongamia Biodiesel research effort is underway around the world that could also yield additional breakthroughs to further lower the costs.
President for techno-economic analysis at CJP, Mr. DP Maharshi said: "The research contributes testable numbers and models to the debate - and provides guidance on where researchers may wish to concentrate efforts to make the biggest impacts on reducing the price of the Pongamia Biodiesel."
"This research is a major step forward in understanding the unique feedstock opportunities and how they might be commercialized in the future."
"The commercialization of Pongamia Biodiesel is a key priority for ABC and we look forward to continuing to work together with our partners to enable a strong and viable Pongamia Biodiesel industry worldwide."
The knowledge our scientists have gained will help with future research and also helps us understand what is required to develop a future advanced Pongamia Biodiesel industry."
Success in making Pongamia Biodiesel viable would allow the agricultural industries in number of countries to diversify their product portfolios, with the potential for new manufacturing plants in rural areas.
The report shall be shared and discussed with the attendees of GLOBAL PONGAMIAWORLD 2014 scheduled in December 2014. This is a NOT to be MISSED Opportunity to new growers to start Biodiesel Business
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About Advanced Biofuel Center
The CJP- the Advanced Biofuel Center is working towards scientific commercialization of nonfood biodiesel trees/crops that will lend credibility; reliability and scalability with regards to food security, energy security and sustainable development and carbon savings. With an effort to grow beyond oil , apart from Jatropha, CJP has identified, developed and cultivated as many as 15 non-food oil crops. With years of continuing research, experiments and trials has provided an adage to find and develop 2nd generation biodiesel feedstock with low cost input technology. Among the crops identified as potential sources of biodiesel are Simmondsia chinesis, Pongamia (derris indica), Garcinia indica, Moringa oleifera, Madhuca indica, Ricinus communis, Simarouba glauca, Citrullus colocynthis, algae etc.more at

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