Well over 500 people from over 20 countries registered to attend All-Energy, the UK's largest renewable and sustainable energy exhibition and conference, on the very first day that online registration opened.

Well over 500 people from over 20 countries registered to attend All-Energy, the UK's largest renewable and sustainable energy exhibition and conference, on the very first day that online registration opened. The two-day show is being held at the SECC, Glasgow on Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 May. Free registration for both the conference and exhibition is at

"An email was sent out to announce the opening of registration and thereafter registrations came in wave after wave, it was a great day," says Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of Reed Exhibitions. "And it is not letting up, far from it, more and more are coming in thick and fast today as well (12 February). We certainly have a superb show for both our exhibitors and visitors, and look forward to welcoming them to Glasgow in May.

"Our plans for the 15th show in the annual series are well advanced; hundreds of exhibitors from home and overseas will be there; the conference programme with over 400 speakers is rapidly taking shape; and it's all-systems-go for an exciting Giant Networking Evening."

Within the exhibition All-Energy covers all forms of renewable energy, and – new for this year - ‘Sustainable Cities' showcasing products and services relevant to the development of a sustainable city. The dedicated Sustainable Cities Visitor Trail (one of 15 sector-specific trails to help visitors find their way to stands showcasing exactly what they are looking for, and ensuring exhibitors benefit from seeing visitors genuinely interested in their products/services) will take visitors to energy efficiency, solar, renewable heat, onshore wind and low carbon transport, the event will showcase sustainable city solutions in onsite and microgeneration, recycled heat /waste heat, waste to energy, energy efficient lighting, urban energy storage and city energy infrastructure, many of them, topics covered in the past in both the exhibition and conference but now bought under one ‘umbrella'.

Wide-reaching conference
Once again the world-class conference encompasses all sources of renewable energy generation, and the opportunities and challenges facing the sectors; and embraces other key component parts including the grid, skills, and finance and funding. It also covers carbon capture and storage; energy storage; district heating; sustainable transport; business energy efficiency.

There are opening plenary sessions on both days, and then nine parallel streams, to ensure that every relevant topic is covered, there will be quick-fire seminar theatres devoted to wave and tidal (both days); community energy (Day 1); and business energy efficiency (Day 2); and a ‘Meet the Buyers' Share Fair (Day 1).

The opening plenary session will see speakers including Cllr Gordon Matheson CBE, Leader of Glasgow City Council; Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Business, Energy and Tourism, Scottish Government; Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde; Benj Sykes, Head of Asset Management, DONG Energy Wind Power; and Ian Marchant former CEO of SSE getting the event off to a flying start; and on the second day in a session chaired by Dr Keith MacLean speakers will include Andrew Lever, Scotland Director of Innovation, The Carbon Trust and a senior representative of UK Energy Power Networks. A grid showing what sessions will take place when is on the show website at; the full programme will be available in early March.

Networking is key to the renewables industry, and the All-Energy Giant Networking Evening is always a draw. It will be held at the popular Glasgow Science Centre, just across the Clyde from SECC. All that exhibitors and visitors have to do is follow the sound of the pipes to find their way across the bridge.

Shepherd & Wedderburn are sponsoring all the conference and seminar theatres on the showfloor (offshore wind, sustainable cities, and the quick fire seminar theatres); while Element Power is once again sponsoring The Power Club at its executive lounge for those responsible for the management and development of new renewable projects.

All-Energy is held in association with UK Trade & Investment, the Renewable Energy Association, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with the Society for Underwater Technology as its Learned Society Patron, and supported by over 30 government departments, professional bodies, learned societies and trade associations.

Admission to the major exhibition, the multi-stream conference, and Giant Networking Evening is free of charge to all with a business/ professional interest in renewable energy, and business energy efficiency, there is no admission to anyone under the age of 16.

Further information on all aspects of All-Energy, including registration, travel and accommodation is available from

Looking back
All-Energy 2014, the fourteenth to be held in Aberdeen, saw total attendance of 6,875; 450+ exhibiting companies from 19 countries; and over 400 speakers taking part in 95+ hours of conference and seminar sessions.

Those speakers included Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP, Secretary of State for Scotland; Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, Scottish Government; Sir Richard Branson; Bader Saeed Al Lamki, Director of Masdar Clean Energy; Peter Boyd, Chief Operating Officer, Carbon War Room and experts from all the renewable energy generating sectors; and from the worlds of finance and funding, grid, and skills who work with them towards the industry's success; and also those actively involved with business energy efficiency, CCS, nuclear, and energy storage.

The vast majority of the 2014 presentations are online to browse free of charge; and nearly 60 videos can similarly be watched free of charge.


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SOLTEC – SFOne single axis tracker

SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker

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