AWEA statement on FERC order rejecting PJM reforms

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) issued the following statement reacting to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order rejecting two proposals for reforms to PJM, the Mid-Atlantic grid operator.

WASHINGTON — The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) issued the following statement reacting to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order rejecting two proposals for reforms to PJM, the Mid-Atlantic grid operator.

"We see pathways to a positive outcome from FERCs 3-2 decision if the resulting proceeding ensures states can continue to shape the fuel mix within their borders as intended under the Federal Power Act. We will be weighing in heavily with the commissioners and PJM to explain our concerns and how they can be addressed." - Amy Farrell, Senior Vice President, Government and Public Affairs, American Wind Energy Association.


AWEA is the national trade association of the U.S. wind energy industry. We represent 1,000 member companies and over 100,000 jobs in the U.S. economy, serving as a powerful voice for how wind works for America. Members include global leaders in wind power and energy development, turbine manufacturing, and component and service suppliers. They gather each year at the Western Hemispheres largest wind power trade show, the AWEA WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition, next in Houston, May 20-23, 2019. Find information about wind energy on the AWEA website. Gain insight into industry issues on AWEA's blog, Into the Wind. And please join us on Facebook, and follow @AWEA on Twitter.

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