Green Belgian Chocolate? Yum.

What strikes me most as a leap forward in terms of innovative, even disruptive, business concepts, is the installing of a waste-to-energy plant at the site of a power-customer itself.

Green Travel

The awareness of travel consumers is rising that our environment is worth considering. If the travel industry does not answer the call, voices will arise to discourage people to go to such idyllic places as the Caribbean.

Mobile Solar Power

Take electricity from the sun, run it through a charge controller and into a large battery bank. Have an inverter pull that power out of the batteries (when needed) and make it available as pure sinewave current. The trick: do all this inside of an enclosed trailer.

Parking in a Solar Grove

The Kyocera Solar Grove' consists of 25 Solar Trees' with 1,400 Kyocera KC187GS solar photovoltaic (PV) modules interspersed with 200 translucent KC88CGS modules offering improved daylighting and aesthetic appeal from both above and below the structures.

Investing in PV Solar Energy

I see great potential in the nano technology area. It is my feeling that if there is a huge blockbuster technology that is going to emerge and "take over" the PV industry, I feel that it will somehow involve breakthroughs and application of nano technology to the area of photovoltaics.

A Bad Boy with a Good Side

It wasn't long before they expanded uses for their favorite new toy, attaching farm equipment to the buggy's hitch (also standard) and using it to mow, till and plant fields. They used its auxiliary power point to run power tools in the woods.


Brazil seeks to produce enough ethanol to replace 10% of the gasoline consumed worldwide by 2012, which requires doubling its current production and increasing the share of exports in total output to 20% from the current 15%.

Concentrated Solar For Hawaii

The collector being enclosed or open faced would require surface care and significant weekly cleaning. Sopogy's panels would park at night, meaning the collector surfaces are protected so as not to be exposed.

Editorial Comments

What is in this issue and what does it mean.

Electric Bikes and Large E-scooters

E-machines have no more maintenance than a bicycle. They are simple, efficient, safe and fun to ride

Environmental Policy May Contain Traces of Nuts

Should we choose to have 20% of our power production ideologically clean, or 80% of our electricity needs atmospherically clean? The answer is: we should do both.

From the Earth to the Moon: Cash or Charge

If successful, the SS2 and the WK2 could pave the way for a much larger craft that could ferry several hundred passengers into low orbital space and the land in another country or continent without the need for expensive jet fuel.


In the Caribbean, the options are essentially the same, but practically wind and solar energy are the most promising short term solutions.

Greenroofs benefits outweigh costs, even in desert environment.

The only severe downsides of having greenroofs in a desert climate are cost of installing it, and then the water use for irrigation. But as we'll see, the water needed for irrigation is more than covered by available greywater.

Hydrogen stations are springing up everywhere!

Spring has been a busy period for hydrogen fueling stations, with five stations recently opening worldwide.

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