Worried about the Energy Crisis?

I am no longer worried. Now that I understand there is no energy crisis, no ingenuity crisis, only the need for well-meaning bureaucracies to adapt policies to rapidly changing assumptions, I am terrified.

Affordable, Efficient Comfort for Cold Feet

Radiant floor heat costs less to operate than other forms of heat. Because radiant floors offer more comfort at lower thermostat settings, most people find that they're comfortable at lower room temperatures.

Book - Future Energy

Indeed, this new and highly competitive oil industry should provide investors with dozens of new companies, any one of which could become the energy industry's equivalent of Microsoft or Dell or Apple.

Editorial Comments

Enjoy the issue and please be sure to let us know your thoughts. You can either send us an article for the next issue, participate in our FORUMS or just write an email letter like these LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.

Energy From The Tides

The sea must be channelled to flow from a high tide level to a low tide level, which is the approach of this paper. This involves creating "ponds" in the walls of which equipment is sited to generate energy from the flow.

Joel Serface - Clean Enerrgy Incubator

Any company that has a grid-connected or energy efficiency-related technology should take advantage of applying to our process with Austin Energy. In addition, we are looking at other potential corporate partners where we can test clean technologies that are not necessarily attached to the grid - biofuels, industrial efficiency, etc.

Letters to the Editor

I have a very deep belief in America's capabilities. Within the next 10 years we can accomplish our energy independence, if we as a nation truly set our goals to accomplish this. I happen to believe that we can do it.

Microbial Fuel Cells

Among various processes of electricity generation, microbial technique is one of the promising avenues as it does not emit any green house gases. MFC does not contain any rotating parts so it gives continuous electricity without mechanical damage of the equipment and its maintenance cost is minimal.

Rebuilding a Green New Orleans

All in all, I am impressed with some of the strides that have been taken in rebuilding the coast with green in mind. While by no means is it an end to the challenges on being more efficient and using more alternative energy, it is a a start.

Renewable Energy a must for Australia

This is a summary of a speech by Dr Herman Scheer at the University of NSW in March 2006. Dr Scheer, as a member of the German parliament was instrumental in shaping Germany's renewable energy policies.

Review - "An Inconvenient Truth"

One does not have to absorb or completely believe all that is presented to make "An Inconvenient Truth" one of slickest, and most palpable documentaries to come out of Hollywood for quite some time.

Solar: The No-Risk Path to Wealth Creation

While all investments pose some degree of risk, the return on a solar energy system is about as safe and predictable as, well, the rising sun. Fortunately for the Earth and its varied inhabitants, the center of our solar system is situated well beyond the reach of humanity's capacity to tamper with a good thing.

Taking the Green Route with Fuel Cell Buses

Fuel cell buses appear destined to be a major part of transit fleets, reducing petroleum dependence and providing a truly zero emission mobility option.

Water Conservation & Xeriscape Conference

The Expo now draws over 3,000 residents to a free day of seminars, demonstrations, and exhibits for both adults and children.

Wind Energy Collection using Contra-Rotation

Contra-rotation, using two rotors one behind the other, driving the two halves of an electrical generator. Thus creating a true "Wind Turbine".

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