Siliken showcases its latest development for the PV solar market at Intersolar

The online rooftop configuration tool, energyBox, and the 72-cell modules are the company's latest products

Distributed Wind Energy Sweeps Awards at Windpower 2012

DWEA's Executive Director Recognized for Contributions to Sector

50 MW in Pakistan: Conergy partners with Ensunt for largest park in the country

The main aim of this project is to facilitate access to a supply of power for the Pakistani population and to make the country less vulnerable to power outages at the same time.

Municipal governments harness SolarWorld solar panels to power vital public services

Cities and counties embrace solar energy, save millions in utility costs

Good Business with Nippon Entry to the Japanese market for the German inverter manufacturer, KACO new energy

The South Korean subsidiary of KACO new energy, the German inverter manufacturer based in Neckarsulm, is to supply inverters to the largest Japanese system integrator. The scope is at least 50 megawatts.

Ecotech Institute's First-Ever Graduating Class Takes the Stage June 21

Forty-two Graduates to Receive Degrees Focused on Clean Technology and Sustainability

Ontario, Canada Brings More Clean Solar Power Online

Ontario, Canada's newest solar farm, SunE Rutley operated by SunEdison Canada, is the first large scale solar project to come online under the feed-in-tariff program. It will produce 10 megawatts of clean electricity, which is expected to power over 1,200 homes each year.

Clean Power Finance Recognized for Projects to Make Distributed Solar More Competitive with Grid Power

Clean Power Finance Awarded Two SunShot Initiative Grants to Address Major Industry Pain Points

The 2012 Solar South Africa Survey: The results are in

Over the past two weeks, professionals active in the South African solar market have been confidentially giving their feedback on the REIPPP. How successful has it been? What challenges still remain? What is the confidence in the future of the program?


For the fifth anniversary of the innovation prize, Intersolar Europe 2012 honors the solar industry's most pioneering companies, products and services with the Intersolar AWARD 2012

PowerWind sells five wind turbines to Great Britain and Poland

Important step for successful restructuring

SOLAR VALLEY Saxony-Anhalt at the INTERSOLAR Europe 2012

Opening up of new markets, innovations for the end customer and groundbreaking marketing concepts take centre stage


International solar experts discuss topics affecting the future of the industry at the Intersolar Europe Conference

The 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition opens its Doors on Monday, 18 June 2012, in Milan, Italy

800+ plenary, oral and visual presentations----- 1,500+ attendees from around the world----- 51 exhibitors----- the opening highlights

Report: US Solar Installations Continue to Surge in Q1 2012, but Domestic Manufacturing Woes Continue

Solar PV installations increase 85% in Q1 2012 over Q1 2011 according to US Solar Market Insight Report.

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Terrasmart - Reduce Risk and Accelerate Solar Installations

We push the limits in renewable energy, focusing on innovation to drive progress. Pioneering new solutions and ground-breaking technology, and smarter ways of working to make progress for our clients and the industry.