Ease of Use and Versatility Win the Day for RBS Solar

In the fall of 2022, Robert Scibelli, founder of Los Angeles-based RBS Solar, searched for a more innovative way to install solar panels on a new home for an important customer.

Should Installers Buy or Lease Equipment for Renewable Energy Installation?

The answer will depend on several factors, as different paths are ideal in different situations. Here is a deeper look at the pros and cons of buying vs. leasing renewable installation equipment to help you make the best choice.

Fuel cell versus battery trucks - How can automotive manufacturers create a zero emission future?

In terms of refuelling time, FCEVs have a huge advantage over BEVs, taking around three to five minutes to refuel. This means that lorries can get straight back onto the road with minimal downtime, without hampering delivery expectations.

Climate Bill Causing Utility Companies to Embrace Climate Goals

Utility companies also expect to reap the rewards from the IRA. For instance, nearly $3 billion is set aside for upgrading transmission infrastructure - critical for the 70% of electric grid facilities crumbling after 25 years in operation.

Assembling the world's largest floating offshore wind farm

Floating offshore wind will be key to delivering cost-effective renewable energy to consumers. Equinor is leading the way in developing this technology with Hywind Tampen, the largest floating wind farm to date.

XCA 2600, World's Strongest All-Terrain Crane Developed by XCMG, Sets New Wind Power Hoisting Record

This progressive approach aims to provide highly efficient solutions for the installation of a super wind turbine and customize operations for different construction environment and application scenarios.


Canada's recent investment in its upstream clean energy supply and increasing demand in the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) region increases the country's competitiveness

Improving Energy Efficiency of EV Manufacturing

There are misleading oversimplifications concerning EVs all over the internet. Some state the production voids its entire environmental impact. Manufacturing EV parts uses fossil fuels like coal and oil, so does this outweigh the fact it won't use oil in its lifetime?

Post Inflation Reduction Act, New "Clean Energy Jobs" Survey Conducted by Mosaic Reveals Consumer Insights on Job Market

75% of U.S. Adults Surveyed Say They Would Consider a Job in Clean Energy, But Majority Say They Would Require On-The-Job Training

Heat Waves Are Devastating Hydropower in China and the Western U.S.

The question of whether China and the western U.S. should continue investing in and advancing hydropower amid increasing climate change challenges remains.

Inflation Reduction Act Delivers Hope to Renewable Industry, but Price Impacts Could Take Years

LevelTen Energy's newly released Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Price Index reveals that North American P25* solar and wind PPA offer prices increased 9.6% to $45.93 per MWh in the third quarter of 2022. Year-over-year, prices have increased 34%.

Financial Asset Management - to in-house or outsource?

Poorti Tandon, RES' Head of Finance, Asset Management discusses some of the factors to consider when deciding to in-house or outsource financial asset management.

Using transparent solar power for cultivating crops

NextGen Nano has released an infographic highlighting how the production of solar-powered glazing for greenhouse windows can help contribute to a sustainable future.

IoT and the Cloud for Renewable Energy Adoption

Both will enhance the renewable energy sector as demand for solar and wind power increases. These are a few of the most notable benefits for industry professionals who take advantage of new technologies.

Shanghai Electric Completes Phase B of 900-MW fifth phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park

Shanghai Electric has also made great efforts to control the costs. Compared to the pre-pandemic period, container shipment has become widely unavailable, with transportation prices for cables having generally increased by a factor of ten. T

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Early Fire Detection System for Battery Storage & Charging

Early Fire Detection System for Battery Storage & Charging

Revolutionizing safety in battery reliant industries, our early fire detection system uses thermal cameras to spot early signs of battery thermal runaway. It triggers alarms and notifies users via text, voice, or email, ensuring rapid response to potential hazards. Proactive and reliable, our system sets a new standard in fire prevention for enhanced peace of mind in battery storage and charging environments.