Distributed Energy Storage Control Systems for Companies and Utilities

Greensmith Energy Management Systems is a leading provider of intelligent, distributed energy storage control systems. Privately held, and based in the nation's capital, Greensmith is recognized by electric utilities and industry experts for providing innovative turn-key energy storage solutions for multi-functional applications including integrating renewable generation onto the grid, shifting load from peak to off-peak hours, and improving power quality to maintain grid stability. Greensmith holds several patents in the areas of intelligent control, integration and storage of electricity, which enable the electric power industry to efficiently leverage existing resources and facilitate the deployment of renewable energy sources. The company anticipates an eight-fold increase in sales in 2012.

Strainstall Marine - Integrated Solutions for the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector

As the UK pursues its ambition to achieve 15% of electricity demand from renewable sources by 2020, the planned increased in generation from off-shore wind, wave and tidal devices in the marine environment presents increasing technical challenges in terms of distance to shore, water-depth, local sea

Urban Green Energy announces Fusion, the cleantech solution for telecom applications

New renewable wind and solar solution reduces operating costs for off-grid telecom towers and minimizes environmental footprint

Amendment of EU WEEE Directive is Agreed

In December 2011, the European Parliament and European Council reached an agreement on a revision to the WEEE Directive, which regulates the waste of electrical and electronic equipment.

Aquion Energy Selects Pennsylvania for First Large-Scale Manufacturing Facility

Aquion Energy Inc., a developer and manufacturer of revolutionary sodium ion batteries and energy storage systems, today announced it has chosen Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania as the site for its first full-scale manufacturing facility. "After considering all of our options, including aggressive offers from a number of other U.S. states, we concluded that southwestern Pennsylvania is the best location for Aquion to establish its first high-volume manufacturing operation" Starting in 2012, Aquion will be leasing space within a large existing facility in East Huntingdon Township from the Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania (RIDC). The build-out of the base facility and factory infrastructure will begin immediately and continue throughout 2012. Initial product manufacturing is scheduled to commence in 2013. As part of a first phase manufacturing commitment at this site, Aquion expects to create over 400 high-tech manufacturing jobs by the end of 2015. Click here for full Press Release  

UK Call to become a Leader in Wave and Tidal Power Moves Ocean Power Technologies Stock

New York, New York - February 21, 2012 - (Investorideas.com renewable energy/green newswire) Investorideas.com, a leader in renewable energy stock research, releases a trading alert for wave technology stock Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:OPTT).

Fuel Cell Benefits Drive Repeat Customers

Companies might be trying fuel cells to portray a green image, or to stay on the cutting edge of technology. They become repeat customers because the technology works and saves money over incumbent systems. As our reports show, there is a business case for fuel cells. With corporate, government, and international interest, fuel cell deployments are sure to grow even more over the next few years.

Case Study - Northwest Washington Electrical Industry Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee

The project was designed in-house by myself and engineering and structural fabrication was completed by Crystalite of Everett, WA. Installation was done by staff here at the training center - all electricians.

Improving Performance and Reducing Maintenance of CSP Systems with Copolymers

Chamelic is a spin-out company from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Leeds. Chamelic Ltd was established in February 2006 to exploit innovative chemicals discovered and developed at the Institute Particle Science and Engineering (IPSE).

Better Buildings, Better Plants

The Department of Energy's intention behind the showcase project is to have leading companies create "blueprints" of their energy saving tactics that are actionable by a broader set of US companies. By creating an aggressive goal for a single facility, it affords a focused experience of what it takes to achieve that goal. We plan to be transparent in our actions in order to create these repeatable solutions for other companies.

Report of the Nigeria Alternative energy Expo 2011

NAEE 2011 saw participation from 17 countries representing all 6 continents and 147 companies gathered in Abuja to discuss African alternative energy climate with particular emphasis on opportunities, challenges and developments. Several notable speakers and experts from various sectors of the alternative energy sector provided insights.

The GreenVolts Integrated Solar System

Our modular system scales easily for distributed loads, such as irrigation pumps on different parcels of land, to large, centralized loads for commercial, industrial, and utility customers.

Gehrlicher Solar and Masdar PV build roof-top installation with full-size modules

The 7.7 kWp roof-top installation is the second of its kind with modules of this size as roof elements.

Smith Electric Vehicles and Wanxiang Group Announce Investment and Joint Venture

Smith and Wanxiang sign letter of intent for $25M investment in Smith and up to $75M investment for a joint venture to develop and commercialize Smith all-electric commercial vehicles in China

Aquion Energy Selects Pennsylvania for First Large-Scale Manufacturing Facility

Starting in 2012, Aquion will be leasing space within a large existing facility in East Huntingdon Township from the Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania (RIDC)

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Solar Power - Featured Product

EVERVOLT home battery storage: Dependable power, with or without solar

EVERVOLT home battery storage: Dependable power, with or without solar

Whether paired with solar or used independently, the renewable energy stored in an EVERVOLT home battery system serves as a reliable backup against unpredictable utility grid fluctuations and weather-related events. Keep essential appliances running longer and maintain your lifestyle during unforeseen circumstances. Our EVERVOLT battery storage systems are backed by a comprehensive 12-year warranty from Panasonic, including coverage for labor. Learn More about Panasonic EVERVOLT.