Today, over 40 of the 50 United States have enacted laws that allow for NEVs to be driven on city streets. As the awareness of NEVs becomes more widespread, and the benefits of owning them and driving them realized, we see significant market potential in the future.

KiteBoating in Hawaii

The potential kite power vessels will have many applications for fishing, powering ferryboats, and barges, to providing emergency power to motorboats. The sky is the limit for the future of kiteboating; the ocean is waiting.

Plant Jatropha - Go Green - Reduce Poverty

A hectare of jatropha yields more than four times as much fuel per hectare as soybean, and more than ten times that of corn.

Putting Down Roots

Only an in-depth, integrated approach to energy access ensures a sustained income rise.

Random Thoughts from this Year's Renewable Energy Fair

Reducing one's energy overhead costs relatively little and produces a revenue stream that appreciates over time. Replacing one's energy infrastructure with on-site renewable systems, in contrast, will require a sizable up-front financial commitment relative to what it will produce over time.

Renewable Energy Markets Worldwide 2015 Driven by Climate Change

Nanotechnology is undoubtedly one of the key technologies which will influence energy efficiency


A second generation of Personal Vehicles is being created with performance and range similar to its ancestors, while meeting the priorities of a society re-defining the meaning of community.

Solar Heating in Saskatchewan in the Winter

The research showed that these panels will work in northern climates. The system was operated over a one month period in February and March when temperatures were at times lower than -20º C.


This article does not pretend to be an exhaustive dissertation on solar ponds, but it should be enough to wet the appetite of anyone who is searching for a relatively simple almost passive way of collecting the sun's heat and energy.

The Air Car

At the moment, four models have been made: a car, a taxi (5 passengers), a Pick-Up truck and a van. The final selling price will be approximately 5.500 pounds.

The Half Program

The Half Program has proven to be a very good investment - we spent a total of $7,525 for all the energy reduction projects, and we are saving $4,007 per year in energy costs!

Will the UK House Building Industry rise to the Carbon Challenge?

The Government recently announced the launch of their "Carbon Challenge" which aims to create five zero carbon or near carbon developments throughout the UK in order to provide working examples to the building industry. The idea is to encourage house builders to implement good building practices in order to meet the 2016 CO2 emissions targets.

Your Swimming Pool is an Energy Hog

Most pool owners know that you don't need to run your filter as much in the winter as you do during the summer months. When the water is cold, bacteria and algae don't do much, and you can get away with running your pump less.

£14 Billion Tidal Barrage Proposed for Severn Estuary

Following the Energy White Paper released on 23rd May 2007, The Renewable Energy Centre announces its support for the Government's decision to once again consider the benefits of tidal power, but also voices its concerns about the environmental implications of the proposed Severn Barrage.

Grid-connected solar project to be profitable without subsidies

Market and environmental factors are driving the improvement of PV systems technologies and a new residential project is proving their large-scale economic viability.

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S-5!® PVKIT™ 2.0 Solar Rooftop Solutions

S-5!® PVKITâ„¢ 2.0 Solar Rooftop Solutions

The concept of combining PV arrays with standing seam metal roofing is growing-for good reasons. Metal roofs have a life expectancy of more than 40 years. Shouldn't the mounting system last as long? With S-5! zero-penetration attachment technology and PVKIT 2.0, the solarized metal roof is the most sustainable system available -and without compromising roof warranties! PVKIT 2.0 is the also the best solution for attaching PV modules directly to any exposed fastener metal roof.