No More Excuses! Home Composting is Easier than Ever

Thanks to a wide variety of new composting products on the market, home composting is now quicker and easier than ever. Moreover, with many new compost bins and tumblers, there is no need to have an unattractive compost pile in the corner of your yard at all.

Preserve the Batteries in your Storage Bank

If you have a solar installation and you use batteries connected to a load, it doesn't take long to learn you have a real problem on your hands because there just isn't enough solar energy to keep the batteries charged during those long dark cloudy periods.

There's Gold In Them Thar Waste Hills

Next generation waste management may be significantly improved by using different technology to better manage solid wastes.

Tidal Energy Update

With policies both in US and Europe planning for a systematic exploitation of renewable energy on a strategic scale, the stage is all set now for the fuller development of tidal power on a world wide scale.

ULTRACAPACITORS -Used in Hybrid-Electric Drive Systems

Batteries have high-energy capability while ultracapacitors have high power capability. In an optimal hybrid storage system, both technologies could be combined in a way that maximizes the benefits of both.

Zero Energy Homes - By The Numbers

The results are clear. It is almost $70,000 "better" financially to build a $450,000 ZEH than to build a $400,000 conventionally built home over a five-year period or over any period of time for that matter.

Building our Children's Cars

If we are to consider what our children might use, we must look for systems and technologies that are more energy efficient, quicker, more flexible, more recyclable, more available to the general population and more entertaining/amusing than anything available to day.

Climate Change:

This year's hurricanes have global warming written all over them: the water is warmer because the atmosphere is warmer, feeding the hurricanes more energy.

Creative Inventions Help Urban Gardeners

These days, you can find dozens of unique inventions that can help you enjoy the pleasures of gardening, even under the most unusual and cramped urban conditions.

Enormous Growth of Chinese PV Industry

The overall goal of the Chinese government is to have 450 MW of cumulative PV power installed in China by 2010. This is in comparison to the estimated 75 MW which was current in 2005.

EPA Regulations Raise the Bar for Industrial Air Quality Testing

In 2005, regulations introduced by the Clean Air Act of 1990 came into full effect with the goal of reducing harmful emissions by 57-billion pounds per year.

Grid Friendly™ Appliances

What can home appliances do to help ensure the reliability of the electricity grid? A lot—if they employ smart control technology.

Interview with John Katers:

When the operation produces its own supply of wood product, quality assurance is not as much of an issue. The company knows where the wood comes from; it can be cut or ground to a standard size; and, it has often already been kiln dried to lower moisture content.

New Federal Tax Credits Cut Solar Costs

In August the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was signed into law, creating a new 30% federal tax credit for solar electric and solar hot water systems.


The PEFI licensed technology will produce clean burning alcohol fuel from conversion of synthesis gases produced from biomass. The wood residues to be converted are gasified in a closed system and cleaned and treated resulting in removed carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) which are then converted into a mix of ethanol and higher alcohols.

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Our RE Series batteries are designed to provide the highest peak capacity, longest cycle life, and greatest reliability for use in industrial or residential renewable energy applications. Renewable Energy Series batteries utilize the company's exclusive XC2â„¢ formulation and Diamond Plate Technology® to create the industry's most efficient battery plates, delivering greater watt-hours per liter and watt-hours per kilogram than any other flooded lead-acid battery in the market. Our Deep Cycle batteries are engineered to work with solar panels as well as other renewable energy applications.