Solar Power International 2015 News Report

News and Product announcements for SPI 15. You are welcome to add your company news here too.

Hawaii's Oldest Country Club Gets a New Source of Power

The one-piece FR510 requires no assembly, and its universal design allowed HEC to install two different models of PV modules, with the same simple and intuitive installation procedure.

Installing 1,393 MW of PV in Q2 2015,
U.S. Solar Market Surpasses 20 GW

The demand for solar energy is now higher than ever and this report spells out how crucial it is for America to maintain smart, effective, forward-looking public policies

Solar Panels Bring Light To 'Devon Darkness' Ale

Energy monitoring helps match brewerys requirements to ideal solar system.

The Smart Campus Project

The campuses involved in the SMART CAMPUS project reached 30% energy savings. The expected result was 20%, so in short the results were 10% better than expected.

New in Cold Nuclear Fusion

Today we know that not only the first isotope of hydrogen (deuterium) produces fusion energy, but also the second (heavy) isotope of hydrogen (tritium) can produce energy by nuclear fusion.

Five Myths About Solar Power - And The Real Facts

What we are witnessing is in reality a traditional consolidation phase in a new and fledging industry, with winners and losers, and with the surviving players facing a bright and profitable future.

Key Challenges Google's Project Sunroof May Face

Whether Googles Project Sunroof will be a hit or a miss, only time will tell. Nevertheless, the technology is brilliant and this move from Google could make this firm a leading one in the global solar industry.

Float Zone Silicon Solar Panels - 60% less expensive and 25% more efficient

By conducting ion implantation with a particle accelerator, Rayton can produce 20 solar panels using 20x less silicon than what is typically used to create just one.

Lead Battery Recycling

Why it is the most successful reclamation system on the planet.

NASA Seeks Proposals for Extreme Environment Solar Arrays

NASA's space technology program is seeking proposals to develop solar array systems for space power in high radiation and low solar energy environments.  In the near future, NASA will need solar cells and arrays for multiple applications in robotic and human space exploration missions. Because these systems were traditionally developed for operation near Earth, there is a need to develop new solar array concepts as NASA considers missions that require exposure to more intense radiation environments and travel ever farther from the sun.  NASA hopes to solicit proposals for the development of promising technologies to increase solar cells that will work under low intensity, low temperature and high radiation environments. Proposals will be accepted from U.S. organizations, including NASA centers and other government agencies, federally funded research and development centers, educational institutions, industry and nonprofit organizations.

Is Hydrogen The Key To Clean Fuel?

Essentially what we do is take hydrogen-rich materials and combine them with a polymer to make a plastic-like material that we can extrude or press into pellets or rods.

Record Levels of Solar Power Production Were Seen on a Global Scale During the Year 2014

This has coincided with the UK oil and gas industries posting record loses in profitability during the same time frame.

The U.S. Just Approved One of the World's Biggest Solar Power Plants

Todd Woody for  The federal government on Monday green-lit a 485-megawatt solar plant that would generate enough carbon-free electricity to power 180,000 homes when it comes online in the Southern California desert. During the Great Recession, that was nothing unusual about billions of dollars in federal stimulus money fueling big green dreams of carpeting the Mojave Desert with giant solar power plants on government-owned land, a cornerstone of the Obama administration’s efforts to fight climate change. That land, however, often turned out to be home to desert tortoises, blunt-nosed leopard lizards, and other endangered wildlife. Many of those projects went belly-up in part because of fierce opposition from environmental groups. That prompted an effort by the federal government to be “smart from the start” about where it allowed big renewable energy plants to be built. So the Blythe Mesa Solar Project, which was approved Monday, will deploy tens of thousands of solar panels across 3,587 acres of already disturbed or fallow farmland where wheat, alfalfa, and citrus had been grown. No desert tortoises will be harmed.  Cont'd...

How Merthen Manor Heats Family Home And Six Cottages And Saves £20,000 Per Year In Fuel Bills

The biomass district heating system provides heat and hot water to the whole estate throughout the year, predictable fuel bills, income from the renewable heat incentive (RHI), and a 43,000kg reduction in CO2 emissions per year.

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Raptor Maps - The integrated operating system for end-to-end solar management

Raptor Maps - The integrated operating system for end-to-end solar management

Operate autonomous drones and other robotics technology on your solar farms with Raptor Maps' robotics operations platform. Our end-to-end solution allows you to build and schedule data collection missions, to analyze collected data through our analytics engine, and to address identified issues through our remediation intelligence suite. From construction monitoring to substation inspections to SCADA-alert generation missions, Raptor Robotics gives your team unparalleled insights into the health and status of your project. Improve the safety, efficiency, and scale of your operations with Raptor Robotics.